Monday, December 03, 2007

hey hey:) didnt update for months wors:) hehes:) very very busy lately:)
firstly, Os over le, and everyone is waiting for their result wors:) good luck ppl:)
secondly prom night also over le:) hmmm, quite fun and my baby bacame the prom princess wors:) muackz baby:)

our prom night photo wors:)

oh ya:) if u all wan to see more prom night photo, u can go nat blog to see:) im to lazy to copy and paste:P

thirdly, our class chalat was over recently:) very fun wors:) cos baby was wif me the whole time:) hehes:) i organize a BBQ during the first night wors:) the food was nice:) during the second night, i fetch baby from the chalat to downtown east wors:) hehes:)although it was quite tiring, but i love fetching baby:P hehes:) btw, thanks to shavin wors:) ya:) i took some photo wif baby wors:)

dardar and deardear<3
piggy and piggie<3

muackz muackz:)

lastly, yup yup:) all of us had found a job wors:) hehes:) yeah:) but my time shift is different from my baby:( im sorry baby:( i will try my very best to meet up wif u de:( ahpeh, linsei, marc and i are currently working at swisshotel:) we now working in the stewarding department wors:) so fun lor:) everyday can eat sharkfin:P hehes:) but im kind of grew fatter wors:(

toilet break:)

yup:) finish update le:) baby have u read finish:P i love u:)