Wednesday, January 06, 2010

its 2010 already and this will be my first post of the year:)
firstly i will start off with some dedication or resolution.

Poly Friends
going into ngee ann was my first choice and going to PDI was also my first choice. never regret choosing this course after getting my Os. i was happy to know ppl like zuo jia, amos, jason, andy, alan, feeq, amelia, yanti and amelia. they are seriously great friends. friends who often help one another during our projects. friends who we can confide in with when either one of us need helps. never forgetting the CS session we had during our first year, our tonning over at ZJ house for our P2 during last sem, and never forgetting our daily dota session. we never failed to laugh at each other everyday during class. thanks guys:)

My Friends
had been really close friends since sec and we all even work together still today. ahpeh, ah choon, solo, cheng wei, qiu, su min, steph. however since my year 2 starts we seldom meet up and even contact. its like im waiting for them to contact me and they are waiting for me to contact them. maybe because of that incident that cause everything now. but i still treat them as my friends. my close friends.

had been working in steward for like almost 3 years already. at there i seriously learn alot alot alot. gain alot of experiences. get to know alot of ppl at there and they were very good to us. not forgeting one aunty and our supervisor ah kiam. its great working with them.

a girl which i met when i was working at banquet. the first time i saw her when i was at the employee entrance. and my first impression of her was like. EKKK. ops. and then during that night my friend told me to help him take one of the twin number, as he want to make friends. so that day i was like going around looking for her and her sister. seriously searching for a long time and finally, one girl wearing a L size banquet shirt walk out. she came out of collyer and went to take side plates for her table. at that point of time i was. yes yes yes. finally le lor. i took all my courage and walk and face in front of her. so, i started asking, hi, my friend wan ur number can give?? and she refuses to give at the beginning lor. so, i keep irritate her keep pestering her until she finally give me her number. it was my first time taking a number for so long can. went back to work happily and apologize to her when i knock off. so ya, we didnt contact after that and i started contacting her few days later. and the contact stop and it went on and off again. however i begin to feel a little crush on her and i dont know why whenever i recieve msg from her i feel so content. as days goes by i started to feel that my feelings for her was real. but i didnt wan to express it out and i dont wan things to happen so fast until V day. i found out that she went out with ex. and i dont know y i got so so so jealous. and we started quarreling the next time. at that time i was so frustrated that i confessed that i had a crush on her. she was shocked. after that day, we started meeting and those and i was positive that i like her alot but i dont know whether should i wait or ask her for stead. so as days goes on and it was jocelyn birthday. i bring her to the chalat and had a little conver with someone. after hearing everything i decided to ask her to be my gf during 21 march 2009. and this is how we got together.

this relationship was wat i always wanted. my baby huang yiting never failed to make me a card for our monthsary. never failed to cook and make nice food for me too. and we have so much in common. i really love being together with her. she was the first girlfriend that i went overseas with, the first gf that i bring to see my parents, the first gf that brings me to her house to meet her parents. and not forgeting the first gf who celebrated my 19th birthday. we had been together for 9 months already, been through alot of up and down, we laugh together, we cry together, we fight together, we swim together and MJ together. our first year anniversary is arriving in 2 to 3 months time. really hope things went well.

having her by my side seriously change me, but even thought i still piss u off with my stupid habit. baby had been tolerating with my nonsense and many more. countless of chances was given everytime and i seriously feel very bad. i know it is hard for one to change. but baby never give up on me. you were always there for me whenever i needed someone. thanks baby and i really hope that this relationship will goes on and on. even though there isnt such things as forever and i dont wish to see history repeating again and again. i love you alot baby.

my parents always nag at me but when i needed something my parents always will give. my parents are getting old too and i want them to stay healthy:) love u mummy papa:)
not forgeting my didi and gor, someone who i can talk to when im at home and i just feel bliss having them:)

hmm, i think this is all for now. will update more when i got the time. im starting my P2 for my EUCD. sucks.