Saturday, January 27, 2007

didnt update lately:) sorry ya:)
oh ya:)
ytd our class were invited to Ms Koh's baby shower:)
da jie informed me and the spreaded this good news to all my peers:)
ytd almost half of the class went and we brought her a neckless for the baby girl:)
the name of the baby girl was Shannyn and her chinese name was JingEn:)
both of our name got J in it:) hehes:)
so, ytd marcus, chengwei, foo wu, zap and i went to the place quite early, as we were told to help in the function room decoration:)
as time passes, the rest of our classmates had came:)
next, we went to help ourselves for the dinner and when dinner was done:)
we started our activities:)
slowly by slowly we drag ppl and throw them into the pool:)
ytd there were quite a number 0f ppl being push into the pool:)
hehes:) some of us had alot of fun ytd:)
there were also another group of unknown student draging their friends into the pool and we came so idea:)
when they push their friend into the pool we will push those who pushes their friend into the pool:)
we were playing in to water throught the night:) after which we all took photo wif da jie and went home:)
fun day:)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Part 5:)
immediately, we proceeded to one of the chalet and practise our cheer:)
after thinking for a while:) we came alot of cheer and all the cheers are in different language:)
so, we started practising:) while we were practising, more idea came into our mind:)
soon, it was 7 and we must proceed to the basketball court to had our dinner:)
after dinner the campfire soon had started:)
and group by group went up to perform their cheer:)
finally its our turn:) i could say that compare to other teams our cheer were still the best one:)
after the campfire we went back to our campsite to take our bag and everything:)
by then i think our bag are already wet:) when we reached there, our bag were indeed wet but we got no choice:(
lucky the sec 5 were told to sleep at the chalet place:)
althought the guys are to be told to sleep on the first floor, we didnt mind at all:)
that night some of our friend had fell asleep and all of decided to put toothpaste on hafiz face:)
it was a sucess but hafiz seem to be in a deep sleep:)
next, i shouted loudly to call him wake up:)
he was in a shock and all of us laughed:)
soon, our second day was over:)
the next day we had our breakfast and headed back to our school:)
camp over:)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Part 4:)
after walking for a while, we reached the NAFA:) by then all of us were wet and cold:)
our task was to form MR Kamar name with our body and a passer by must identify them:)
after forming the words, we found a teacher i guess and he got the answer correct:)
so, we got our next photo:) the photo shown a starhub logo on a building:)
immediately, we took a bus to somerset:) after walking for a while, we reached the place:)
this time our task was to find a chio bu and a suai ge and we must act cute and take 3 photo wif different ppl :)
after looking, we found a couple and tracy took photo wif the guy while rendra took photo wif the lady:)
so, we left one photo to take:)
after searching we found this female:) chio sia:) hehes:)
tracy approached her and persuaded her, she agreed eventually:)
in the end i was the one who took photo wif her:) hehes:)
after taking, we did not have much time left so we took our next photo and head on to the 7 stage:)
it was at wisma and we decided to walk to there:) it took us about 10mins to reached there:)
when we reached there, we were took to count the number of shops in there:)
so, we went to the directory see and count the number of shops in there:)
if im not wrong there was 104 shops:) hehes:)
after which we decided to go back to our camp:)
we took a MRT all the way from orchard to bukit gombak:)
after a 45 mins trip, we reached bukit gombak but we were somehow late already:(
so we took a bus:)
when we went back, there were other teams and they were practising their camp cheer for the night:)

Friday, January 19, 2007

Part 3:)
eventually, ah huat went to told one of the instructor that we got one person who was injuried:(
they sort things out and they let us in too:)
our task was that:) we got 2 pole and 4 float:)
we must use rope to make a boat with it and use it to take a letter from a distance away from the shore:)
immediately we did a boat and took off:)
firstly was rendra, hafiz, and 2 other girls:)
mr kamar decided to help in by pushing the boat as far as he could:)
after recieving the letter they came back and followed by the next group:)
this time me, foo wu, mr kamar help them and we push them more further:)
after taking the letter, our next photo was at bugis national library:)
so, we planned to have our lunch b4 going to the library:)
after going up to a bus, we took off:)
in the bus there was a sudden change, the change was that we go do our next stage and then lunch:) when we reached bugis, we walked about 5 mins and reached the national library:)
at that time lao gao was quite pissed off as he was hungry:)
when we reached the library, our task was to find few chinese words and we were provided wif the english meaning:)
we were also given the book to find in the library:)
so the find started, tracy and the rest could not find the book and the book is not on load:)
so, ah huat told them to come back and instead of finding, he wants a malay person to act out all the words and a person to translate the chinese word to him:)
after guessing for 5 mins, man jun shouted our the answer and we proceeded to our lunch:)
mr kamar brought us to a place and he said that the chicken rice was cheap and nice:)
when we reached there, our other half of the class was there:)
so, we started our ordered:)
when lunch was over, we set off to our next destination:) it was at the NAFA:)
by then the rain began to rain more heavier:)
however this doesnt stop us and we continue going:)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Part 2
when we reached there:)
there were 2 other team and immediately, we ran to the stadium:)
when we reached, our task was to form 20, 3 word from the word " Jalan Basar Stadium"
next, everyone were giving me answer and without mins:) we completed the task:)
soon, we recieved our next photo:)
that photo shown a place that i never seem b4:( but luckily man jun remember that place:)
it was at Kalang Stadium:)
immediately we went to the nearest bus stop and took the bus number 2:)
after a while we reached to somewhere and Mr Kamar told us to alight here and take another bus 11:)
at that time it was quite frustrating as bus 11 took really long to come:( soon, another team had arrived:(
so there were 2 teams competing wif one another:)
when bus 11 came we went in and to our surprise:)
another team was in the bus already:)
so, now we got 3 teams against one and other:)
in the bus, we planned to run when we alight from the bus and trick the other teams:)
soon, we reached there:)
once we alight, our whole group ran and even the other group:)
as i did not knew the place well, i ran my own way and some student and instructor were following in:)
suddenly, cheng wei shouted:) " jia jun over here" next i change my direction and toward there:)
when all of our team mate reached , the other teams got the chance first as tracy was still at the back:(
she got this leg problem so she really cant walk that much:( hais;(

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Day 2:)
when we woke up:)
its already 710am and we were surposed to be at the basketball court by 730:)
immediately we went back to our camp site and to our surprised, lao gao and cheng wei still sleeping:(
we called many times and they finally wake up:)
at the end, we were the last few bunch that came into the basketball court:(
and because of us our whole group cannot eat breakfast:(
sorry wors:)
so after that, there was a briefing about the amazing race:)
all of us were full of excitement:) after the briefing, we went back to our tent to collect some item for our later events:)
after assembling the race started:)
some classes started early while our class start abit later then them:)
when the time was up:) we started our first task:)
we were given this piece of paper and on the paper there were boxes whereby 4 boxes on the horizontal side indicating each boxes 1, 2 , 1, 2:)
while 2 more boxes on the vertical side indicating 3, 3:)
our task was to join numbers by numbers without colliding the line wif each other:)
after solving for a while we finally got the solution:)
we the answer correct and we recieve a photo:)
immediately, i was a photo from esplanade:) our first station was there and we took a train to there:)
when we reached there our task was to find how long is the bridge from esplanade to fulluton hotel:)
despite counting the number of steps and asking tourist, we still cant get the answer:(
suddenly, arif got this equation and he got the answer:) hehes:) quite surprise sia:) hahas:)
next we got our second photo, the photo shows a place which written " SAR STADIUM":)
immediately, Jalan Basar Stadium came into our mind:)
we set off to the nearest MRT station and went to Lavander:)
cause rendra said he knew the way from lavander to there:)
part 3
so, we started our night walk and we must do it blind folded:)
we walked around the entrance of the chalet, when we were done:)
there was a briefing by ah huat and follow by our supper:)
when supper was done, there was a anoucement by the camp chief and a day had passed:)
Neh:) not so soon:)
everyone were dismiss to their camp site and prepared for the next day:)
while us, we went to our tent and slack:) our tent were different from others ppl tent:) in another word, we were more special then other ppl tent:)
in front of our tent there's a mat on the floor and few of us can talk and sit at there:)
throught the night, foo wu, marc, lao gao, cheng wei, arif, rendra, hafiq, zap and me were always together:) we went disturbing ppl, shake their tent, laugh loudly and shout:) quite fun:)
as the night was getting late, everyone were asleep except, foo wu, marc and me:)
we went to walk around and bath again:)
after the bath, we decided not to go back to the camp site:)
casue we will get dirty again:) so we headed to the chalet:) the chalet was about 2 floor of a HDB flat:) the top floor were rooms while the bottom were table and chairs:)
3 of us went there to talk and soon, around 5 plus i fall asleep and follow by them:)

day 1 over:)
to be continue:)
part 2:)
rendra, qing yuan, foo wu and me made it to the top while Mr kamar and marcus help to solve the riddle at the bottom:)
its surprised that we r the only group that completed the task:)
so, after that, our next activities was the water game:)
when we reached there we were told that, this activities was cancel as swimming suit is a compulsory and most of us did not have it:)
since this activities was cancel we were given break instead:)
immediately, we when to lend money from Ms fern:)
at that time Mdm fazilah gave us this look that tell us that we wont return the money back to ms fern:(
after using Ms fern money to buy some meal, we headed to our 5th activities which is "Golf":)
Hmmm... all this while i really do find golf very sian and lame:)
but it turn out that golf is quite fun:) hehes:)
so, when we reach the golf course, there was a brief by a golf instructor and we started practising:)
cheng wei, qing yuan and me were one group and kept hitting hitting, but we just cant get the perfect target:(
then, wen liong decided to do a shot:)
this really impressed me:) when wen liong was on the mat, he didnt took a ball and shoot:) instead of shooting, he was doing some small practise and then he took a ball:)
he has a looks of confident and then he gave a shoot:)
wow, i could just say wen liong is really pro at this:) he shot went straight and steady to 150m:)
furthermore, all his shots were the same:) not onces he will miss or wat:)
other then wen liong, kenric also quite pro in golf:)
seeing them doing this really makes me wan to practice more:) hehes:)
but i still cant get a perfect shot:) hahas:)
after the golf, we went back to the basketball court to have our dinner:)
when we were done, we took our belonging and return Ms fern money furthermore we return it in front of Mdm fazilah:)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

hello hello:)
Regent OLiii:)
hey i just came back from a 3 days 2 night camp ytd:)
the camp was on wed and some of our classmates were like , so sian, bo liao:)
the location of the camp was at Bukit Gombak and there were transpot for the whole sec 4 and 5:)
when everyone reached there, there was a small welcome by the camp chief, Ah Hao:)
next, every classes were splited into 2 group whereby even number of their index number is one group while the odd number is the other group:)
our class had splited into 2 group, group 19 and 20:)
we started our first activities of the day:) The ice breaker:)
our class proceeded to a nearby tennis court, and my group instructor was called, Ah Huat:)
hmmm:) i could said that his a person, who is kind of fit, friendly, understandable, and an easy going person:)
after introducing to one another:) we went back to the basketball court where Ah Hao will start his briefing about the tent pitching:)
next, we went to collect our tent equipment and after finding a perfect spot:) we pitch our tent there:)
after pitching, we went back to the bqsketball court and had our lunch:)
to be honest, the food that they provide taste like shit:(
its worst then the food that sold in our sch canteen:(
when lunch is over, we went to start our 2nd activities which was the problem solving:)
the first part of the game was played like this:)
the whole group members except one must be blind folded and pitch a tent, while the 1 will do the comment:)
sadly, we lost to 3 other teams:(
the second part of the game was that, 14 members of the group must be on this floor mat and our task is to turn the mat to the other side without any members to step out:)
again, we lose to 3 other teams:(
but this doesnt made us give up, cause the next activities was the rock climbing and our group got people who r good in that:)
so, we proceeded 2 the place and after the safety briefing:) we were given a task:) for every person who reached to the top, a riddle will be given for us to solve:)

Saturday, January 06, 2007

hmm.. its weekend again:)
our first week of sch had passed:)
the sch didnt changed much:)
but some of our classmate had changed:)
all guai guai, pay attention:)
nothing much had been taught lately:)
but we must start the revision already:)
or else it will be too late:)
but im still in a holiday mode:) hais:(
now trying to concentrate le:)
furthermore im still waiting for my O lvl Maths result:)
since i had finished my O lvl maths:)
mr teo, my maths teacher still wanted us to buy the sec 5 tbk:(
waste money leh:( chicken:)
hais hais:(

ytd i went to kranji sec to collect my scholarship:)
there were lots of ppl, and parent doesnt wan to gib way:(
stupid sia:(
so i managed to squeeze in and settle down in the hall:)
so, after the MP speech and everything:)
everyone could collect their voucher:)
it was surprise that i got 300 bucks:)
quite a lot sia:) hahas:)