Sunday, January 14, 2007

part 3
so, we started our night walk and we must do it blind folded:)
we walked around the entrance of the chalet, when we were done:)
there was a briefing by ah huat and follow by our supper:)
when supper was done, there was a anoucement by the camp chief and a day had passed:)
Neh:) not so soon:)
everyone were dismiss to their camp site and prepared for the next day:)
while us, we went to our tent and slack:) our tent were different from others ppl tent:) in another word, we were more special then other ppl tent:)
in front of our tent there's a mat on the floor and few of us can talk and sit at there:)
throught the night, foo wu, marc, lao gao, cheng wei, arif, rendra, hafiq, zap and me were always together:) we went disturbing ppl, shake their tent, laugh loudly and shout:) quite fun:)
as the night was getting late, everyone were asleep except, foo wu, marc and me:)
we went to walk around and bath again:)
after the bath, we decided not to go back to the camp site:)
casue we will get dirty again:) so we headed to the chalet:) the chalet was about 2 floor of a HDB flat:) the top floor were rooms while the bottom were table and chairs:)
3 of us went there to talk and soon, around 5 plus i fall asleep and follow by them:)

day 1 over:)
to be continue:)

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