Friday, August 15, 2008

hey. its been a super super long time since i last update. hahas. sorry sorry. i was waiting for the photos lor. and somemore my exams are coming. so i didnt have time to update. hahas. anyway i recieve the pic liao and i finish my first paper, eg1:) hahas. today paper was fine lor. quite easy ba. only the last 2 qns sucks man. hahas. monday will be my engmec paper so wish me luck ppl:)
this few days kepp studying at home lor. hahas. thanks for ur accompany:P
ohoh. last friday was super havoc man. we went to the national day concert:) super havoc ar. anyhow sream shouted here shouted there. hahas. anyhow throw things down. throw wat leh?? hmm:) of cos is throw those things in the goodie bag they gib la. hahas. really really. just throw only. but not those heavy thingy la. hahas.
must super enjoy after next monday:P
attention 1p03 defend of the ancient lecture on monday after exam. bring ur lappy along:P

anyway here are some of the pics we took on friday:P

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