Monday, September 01, 2008

hey hey:) went to catch a movie since today is a holiday:) we watch 4bia. going to a cinema to watch a horror movie is hell scary ok. stupid sound effect. so loud lor. kuku. it scares the hell out of me. lols. anyway, this movie consist of 4 different story. not bad actually. should go and watch:) hehes. not gonna review anything. have fun watching. oh ya. its an nc16 movie:)

7 of us went to watch, 1 uses jacket to cover his mouth and cover his ears. 1 cover jacket only. 1 cover the whole face. 1 held her bf tight. 1 shocked and keep his head down. while the rest, pro no scare at all. hahas. guess urself if u know who ba:)

lots of things had changed. we always make mistake and learn from mistake. everyone had grown up with their own thinking. think before you say. think twice before you say anything. treasure our life and the ones around us. dont be stupid and do whatever you like. dont think that you are the only perfect person on earth. make a choice and let the game begin. blaming others? y not blame yourself. do not regret because this was the biggest mistake of all time. you have the choice to make whats right and whats wrong. dont listen to what others had said, take them as an advice and do whatever is necessary. being idle is stupid. however, its too late, because,


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