Sunday, May 24, 2009

heyhey. going to update on my birthday celebration. hahas. baby came over on my birthday:) bought present for me siaaa. soo sweet. hahas. and she said she bake a cake for me:) but she didnt brought it along, cos it does not taste good. chat and slack at my house and i went off for my prac while baby went to meet qiu:) finish my car prac headed down to jurong to meet them:) and i realise they just reach too. hahas. shop with them for a while and brought baby to ichiiban sushi for lunch:) as usual, she order beef sukiyaki:) her favouriteeee. hahas. finish our lunch went to find qiu again. and peh came along. hahas. he was damn piss due to his sch thingy. chill chill bro:) after that, went to buy some stuff at pelini sliver :) not going to say much:) left jP at 7 and head home. baby accompany me to buy my own cake and surprisingly, mum called me to bring her along. so cool right. hahas. bring baby back home and had dinner with my parents. slack awhile and camwhores.had my 19th cake cutting session at my house:) but its different this time. because got baby. hahas. after the session, baby slack awhile at my place and cab home. hahas.

sat, baby came over my house to help me in my work. as usual, i didnt do much also. hahas. do abit and camwhore with baby again. hahas. stayed at my house til evening and went to lot 1 for dinner. had pepper lunch. yeahhh. wanted to book one table, so i use my pack of tisuess and place it on the table. after buying my dinner, the table was occupied la. stupid ppl. hahas. walked around at lot1 and send baby back to novena and home sweet home:)

ohoh, went to ton with baby on thursday:) baby needed my photoshop to do her module assignment, and i decided to accompany her all the way til morning:) B came over to yew tee with yilin. and i thought yew tee mac was 24 hours la. the mac suddenly close the light at 12. then i sian half. after deciding, we went to teck whye mac to continue our work. baby and her sister did her work while i do my drawings. accompany her all the way til 8am and cab to my house to sleep. as my lesson was at 1. we were able to get 1 or 2 hour sleep. hahas. woke up at 11 plus and went out at 1230:) we took cab and baby drop me at NP and back to her house.

went to red dot museum on friday:) nice and simple product design:) will upload some pics if i got the time:)

will update more tml:)
meeting up
baby dad's birthday
2 month ani
lewis birthday:)

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