Sunday, October 04, 2009

holy shit siaa. its been a long long long long time since i last update. seriously no time to update. anyway, been out to work for f1 for the past 2 weeks. power right. hahas. anyway, been working for the f1 thingy for the past 2 week because we got alot of things to handle. our department had to handle cutlery, basket, different type of glasses, different type of plates and tables. serious damn hardcore but much more better than last year.
everything is much more sequence that last year. anyway work at the same place as last year but this time each of us were allocated to certain room for the buffet clearing. haha. ohoh, baby is working for this year f1 too. damnn shiok can. haha. but we always seem to be working far far away from each other lor. siannsss.
hmmm, wont update much on this f1 event cos everything is still the same as last year. ohoh this year we get to sleep at the hotel room lor. damn nice and shiok cannn. hahas. after the f1 some of us still went back to do some clearing, seriously alot alot of things to bring back hotel, however we manage to clear everything by tuesday. power right. has not been sleeping at home for the past few weeks lor. missing my bed greatly.

wed, baby came over early in the morning lor:) so nice of her to come. hahas. slack at my house awhile and baby pull me out of my bed to prepare:) hahas. damn funny. went to prepare and went out with baby. its been so so so long since we last went out together. we went to lot1 to have our breakfast cum lunch. had subway because i super super long never eat le lor. we were having a long long long chat while eating our meal. after our meal, we bused to vivo for some window shopping:) hahas. walk around toysarus to find aden belated birthday gift. baby was damn funny la, went to play those baby toy. hahas. after that we went to check movie timing but couldnt find any nice movie so we didnt catch a movie and went up to the pet shop:) walk around and we decided to go sentosa to have a walk. hahas. wont update much about there too:) hehes. private and confidental.
after that headed back to vivo to food republic for our dinner and fetch baby home after that.

thrusday, i went down to find baby because i want to try out the salon that baby always go to. the aunty and uncle there are seriously nice ppl:) after baby prepare we headed to novena square to catch the last long john breakfast. we manage to catch the last order lor. power right. after that headed to cotton on to find my pants. hahas. but didnt bought it. stupid right. hahas. after which we trained to orchard and walk to far east. hahas. went up and we realise that aunty bought both her dog along sia. damn funny and cute dogs sia. baby were playing with them lor. hahas. awhile later, i begin to had my cut first while waiting for james and jade. didnt cut much just normal trim and layyering:) but i find my hair look more tidy leh. thanks thanks. accompany yilin to subway while waiting for james and jade. waited for them like an hour and they came, bought them up and james had his hair cut. hahas. after cutting, james suggested to go to bedok for dinner. slept throughout the bused journey with baby. walked to there and started ordering some food.
some unpleasant things happened and i wont say much:)

hmmm, having someone to give you a lecture is good, however, some of it is right some might not be. different ppl have different point of looking at matter. some prefer using this way some prefer using the other way. or maybe the lifestyle or background that we grew up make us who we are. accepting the fact and denying the fact is one person decision and not others. understanding is just another word for forgiving. we can take in advise and opinion, but not being forcefully control. this is life, life is always unfair. and wat are friends for, sharing laughter, joy, sadness and pain. there wouldnt be peace if there is hatred. hatred will just make you more violent and frustrated.

oh well, im tired.
nights folk:)
just want to have a simple and not a stressful life.

happy happy belated 6th months baby.
so sorry to take a long time then upload lor.

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