Sunday, May 23, 2010

20th birthday celebration

this year celebration was reallyyy fun man:) hmmm, at the beginning i thought no one in my company know it was my birthday la. until lunch i overheard my boss saying that everyone go eat zi cha because today is my birthday. so we went to this zhi cha shop and order 6 dishes:) nice nice. and boss treated that meal lorr. thanks boss.

and it was not over yet. went down to help everyone to buy tao hway as usual during late afternoon and when i came back, i seriously thought i was black out. once i walked into the room, a lighted up candle on my desk and followed by a birthday song. damnn surprise. after which, jace give me a box of sweet as present.

before my boss went out for meeting, he gave me 2 golden village ticket as my birthday gift. thanks boss:)

thanks ODM for the surprise and treats.

after work, went down to marina square as i wanted to eat yuki yaki with baby and her friends. however, they were late due to their production so we went to eat swensen instead. make our order and started eating:) and dessert came right after our meal, yup as it was my birthday i was given a free ice cream and all of them started singing birthday song:) english, followed by chinese and then korean. we also order sticky chewy ice cream and chocolate crush and layyen ordered peppermint crush i think. hahas. after the dinner we slack around city hall and then home sweet home:)

baby made a oreo cheesecake for me:) and i went to collect it on the next day. however, baby persuaded me not to bring home as the cake wasnt perfect. so i went back to baby house and she sang birthday song together with the cake:) damn sweet laa:) love you baby:)


had a small dinner with my parents and didi at the swimming complex zi cha shop. dad order fish head soup, sweet and sour pork and spring chicken. damnn nice ahhh:) after which, went home and had a small cake cutting session with my family:) thanks mummy for the cake:) hahas.

a special thanks to those we wished me in facebook and through msg.
thanks ahpeh for calling in to wish me:)
thanks baby and her LOLOLOLOL production crew for singing and calling in at 12
thanks baby, layyen, shu hui, yilin, and minghan for celebrating on my birthday:)
last but not least, a special thanks to my parents and siblings for the presents and dinner:)
love you ppl to the max:)

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