Sunday, February 25, 2007

hey hey:)
ytd i had a renuion dinner wif some of classmates:)
we had lots of fun and we enjoyed the dinner:)
we went to marina square Soul Garden:)
at first we wanted to eat Yaki Yaki:)
however when we went there, it was full house:(
sad sad:)
so we decided to go for Soul Garden instead:)
after discussing about the amount we need to paid:)
it turn out that each of us had to pay $26.80:(
dame ex lor:( but once a time, so after a long dicussion among us:)
we went for it:)
immediately, we took lots of food and started to cook:)
upon eating during the night, we suddenly heard explosion and we went out to see:)
surprisingly there some fireworks going out:)
i was amazed by it as it was my first time watching it:)
after watching we went back to eat and a while later we decided to stop our dinner and go for a walked:)
we went to esplanade to had sight viewing and after which we went home:)
it was a nice and pleasent trip and i ought to have second one:)

Saturday, February 24, 2007

hey:) so sorry wors:)
dun update for a very long time:)
kind of moody lately:( just dun know y?
now im just trying to keep myself happy everyday:)
hmmm.. chinese year new is going to be over soon:(
haven visit kan ma and da jie:(
must visit them wors:)
btw, my Common test is over:)
but O is not over yet:( hias:(
i had been really slacking later:(
cannot slack le:)
must start my revision liao:)
jia you:) hehes:)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

this week was a bad week for me:(
just dun know y, im sick:(
im sick since ytd:(
ytd i went to sch as usual, on the way to sch, i knew this thing would happened:(
so, after attended ms su lesson and loh lesson, i really cant take it but to go home:(
after having permission to go home, i went home to take my med and went on bed:(
soon, i could feel that im feeling better, but later in the afternoon, it become worser:(
my mum told me to go the clinic, so i went:)
when it was my turn to see the doc, he said that i got virus infection:( and my temp was 38 degree:(
he gives me 2 day MC:) which is ytd and today:)

btw today is V day:) happy V day everyone:)

during the night my temp went up to 39.1 degree:(
hias, just wondering who had spread the disease to me:(
my class also got many ppl didnt came to sch:(
all of them are sick:(
hope that i will get well soon:)

Monday, February 05, 2007

sorry ya:) kind of busy recently:)
hmmm, i had been slacking since my first day of sch:(
just dun know y, i didnt have the mood of studying:( hais:(
i must start my studying already or else i will not catch up or either pass my O:(
today i had my math common test:)
its easy anyway:)
btw, my math's O lvl result is coming this friday:)
hope to get an A for it:)

recently, i started hanging out wif my malay female friend:)
last year both of us nearly become a couple but i didnt want because she's a malay:(
i know this might sound racist, but i had my own problem behind it:(
but this time i might change my mind:)
however, there is some situation going on:(
we are having O this year and both of us hardly had time for each other:(
im just worry that if we were to go steady, we will had differcult time together:(
wat should i do?