Wednesday, February 14, 2007

this week was a bad week for me:(
just dun know y, im sick:(
im sick since ytd:(
ytd i went to sch as usual, on the way to sch, i knew this thing would happened:(
so, after attended ms su lesson and loh lesson, i really cant take it but to go home:(
after having permission to go home, i went home to take my med and went on bed:(
soon, i could feel that im feeling better, but later in the afternoon, it become worser:(
my mum told me to go the clinic, so i went:)
when it was my turn to see the doc, he said that i got virus infection:( and my temp was 38 degree:(
he gives me 2 day MC:) which is ytd and today:)

btw today is V day:) happy V day everyone:)

during the night my temp went up to 39.1 degree:(
hias, just wondering who had spread the disease to me:(
my class also got many ppl didnt came to sch:(
all of them are sick:(
hope that i will get well soon:)

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