Thursday, August 30, 2007

hey:) time to update le:) yeah:)
ohohoh:) i got 3 good good news wors:)
firstly, my first part of the prelim is over:) yeah:)
secondly, i finish my DnT artifact and folio le:) hehes:) yeah:)
lastly, i got more time to pei deardear le:)
hmmm:) i had my english paper, ss and history paper, maths paper 1 and DnT paper:) hehes:)
sorry for the late update wors, had been mugging for prelim and doing my DnT folio:) hehes:)
oh ya:) tml is teacher's day, so i decided to collect 5 buck from the whole class and buy a gift for mr kamar and ms fern:)
today i went to queensway wif nat to buy a pair of shoes for mr kamar:) then when to lot 1 to buy ms fern gift:) hmmm:) i got nag nag nag nag by my mum lor:) sobsob:) but she's cute lor:) hehes:)

oh ya:) today got a small problem wors:( sorry wors:) i love you lots baby:) muackz:) oh:) thank you wors:) thank u for singing to dardar:) so cute:) muackz:)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

time to update le:) hehes:)
oh ya:) i got back my mt result:( sian lor:( i got B4:( b4 leh:( sian:(
i will retake and get a better result:)
hmmm:) this week got nth much happened:) ermm:) my artifect is due ytd:)
and i chiong the whole day, but is still not done yet:( sobsob:)
today i went back to do my artifect:) yeah yeah yeah:) my artifect is working:) hehes:) im so so so happy lor:) my dustbin is moving:) hehes:)
oh ya:) i also did my maths june paper le:) hmmm:) quite easy leh:) hehes:)
hmmm:) dun know will get how much leh:)

ohohohoh:0 happy third month deardear:) muackz muackz:)
today deardear waited for me outside the sch bus stop wors:) im so touched:)
she went to my house, to practise oral wif me:) cos my oral is on tuesday:( sobsob:) wish me luck ppl:)
we study study study lor:) hehes:)

prelim is coming le:) must start studying le:)
practise oral:)
chiong finish my DnT:)
chiong prelim:)
pei pei pei pei deardear:)
must must must:)
i will get the target i wan for my Os de:)
everyone will get the target they wan de:) jiayou:)

Friday, August 10, 2007

hey:) ytd was national day wors:) hehes:) didnt went out lor, but i didnt abit of study and play com:)
oh ya:) nothing happened much on monday, did my chem mock prac then stay back for dnt and i got my physic mock exam on tuesday:) hehes:)
wednesday was our national day celebration:) there was a parade and followed by a concert:) the concert was okok lor:) ohoh:) we got second in position for our class donation:) hehes:) so, mr kamar and i was told to go up on stage:) waaa:) very very paiseh lor, so many ppl looking at me:) after the concert, i stayed back for my dnt, then went to meet deardear:) she was playing block catching wif her friends, then play ice man:) hahas:) i played wif them too:)

today, i went back to do my dnt:) mr kamar said the workshop is opening til 12, then open again at 2:) i did my artifect til 12, then went to had lunch wif foo wu, su min, peggie and yoke lian:) hahas:) everyone ate chicken rice, but i ate nasi briyani:) nice nice:)
after eating we went back for dnt:) i didnt do my artifect lor:( mr kamar asked some of us to clear away the past year artifect:) so we did lor:) oh ya oh ya:) we had a lot of fun at that time:) we get to destroy all the artifect lor:) we throw, step and use others artifect to smash some artifect:) so fun lor:) hehes:)
after helping, i went use the com for a while:) ops:) hehes:) then went to clean the workshop and go home:)

yeah:) tml going library wif piggie le:) hehes:)

Saturday, August 04, 2007

hey hey:) its time to update le:) yeah:) hehes:)
hmmm, this week quite busy wors:( cos my date line for dnt is next week:( sobsob:(
so i got lesser time to accompany deardear:) sorry wors:)
hmmm:) ytd we went to Kbox to celebrate qing yuan birthday:) hehes:)
i was in a bad mood bcos i cant stay at the kbox until so late and some of my friends had not reached:(
eventually, they came:) so, we went in and ordered some drinks and food:) hehes:) i sang alot ytd wif qing yuan and su min:) hehes:) foo wu wanted me to sing a song, so i sing lor:) hehes:) i hope he like it wors:)
hehes:) soon, they went to buy vokka and drink:) after drinking the first bottle, they went to bought the second and the third:) hehes:)
hmmm:) ytd nat face was so so so red:) hahas:) foo wu face was also red:) so, in the end, ray and laogao were drunk, while the rest are still ok:) hahas:)
ohoh:) they also kena screen by police lor:) but nth happened in the end:) hehes:)

today deardear woke up late wors:) so cute lor:) when she called me in the morning, the first thing she said was " sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry" hahas:) cute lor:) muackz:) so i met her at lot 1 and went to the library:) we didnt had any sofa wors:( so we end up sitting on the floor and study:( hehes:) today got a small quarrel wif deardear:( sorry deardear:) dun angry ok:) hmmm:) i just love spending time wif deardear:) hehes:)
after that, we went to LJS to eat again:) hehes:) awww:) today deardear didnt get a free upsize:) sadsad:)

next week need to finish up my dnt le:) deardear dun sad ok:) thankz for ur understanding wors:) woaiiaiiaiiniibaobei:)