Thursday, August 30, 2007

hey:) time to update le:) yeah:)
ohohoh:) i got 3 good good news wors:)
firstly, my first part of the prelim is over:) yeah:)
secondly, i finish my DnT artifact and folio le:) hehes:) yeah:)
lastly, i got more time to pei deardear le:)
hmmm:) i had my english paper, ss and history paper, maths paper 1 and DnT paper:) hehes:)
sorry for the late update wors, had been mugging for prelim and doing my DnT folio:) hehes:)
oh ya:) tml is teacher's day, so i decided to collect 5 buck from the whole class and buy a gift for mr kamar and ms fern:)
today i went to queensway wif nat to buy a pair of shoes for mr kamar:) then when to lot 1 to buy ms fern gift:) hmmm:) i got nag nag nag nag by my mum lor:) sobsob:) but she's cute lor:) hehes:)

oh ya:) today got a small problem wors:( sorry wors:) i love you lots baby:) muackz:) oh:) thank you wors:) thank u for singing to dardar:) so cute:) muackz:)

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