Tuesday, September 11, 2007

hey:) so long never update le wors:) hehes:)
ehh:) kind of lazy to update:)
hmmm:) i had 1 week of holiday and my second part of the prelim had started:)
yeah:) 3 more papers to go le:) then my Os:) jiayou jiayou:)
i had my A maths paper 1 and 2:) hmmm:) paper one was alright lor:) but paper 2 was a disaster:) hahas:) so difficult lor:( sobsob:)
ohoh:) i got back my ss and history paper le:(
hmmm:) i passed but it was a just pass:) hehes:)
must jiayou jiayou le:) i must get a B for my ss and history:) hehes:)

hmmm:) tml i will have my maths paper 2 le:) must chiong chiong chiong le:) hehes:)

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