Tuesday, March 18, 2008

hey:) time to update le wors:) hehes:)
firstly:) happy 10th months anniversary to my beloved baby wors:)
hehes:) today had alot alot of fun wors:)
although the date was tiring, but we had lots of fun:) right right:)

i met baby at 730 at yew tee to have breakfast:) we ate the 2 dollar meak and then we went to slack:) then b4 going to baby house i brought my new lappy along:) hehes:) cos we are going to buy the lappy pouch:) hehes:)
we took bus 188 to IMM:) when we reached, we went to find some place to eat and i decided to bring baby to go eat SUBWAY:) she never eat b4 lor:) hahas:)

so after eating, we went to the converse shop because baby wan to buy a pair of shoes for me:) yeah:)

but hor, the shop is kind of under renovation-.- there were ppl packing and arranging all the goods:) so we went to DAISO to purchase our lappy pouch and maybe check whether got HP pouch also:) after walking we finally found the lappy pouch section:) sadly, there was only one black colour pouch:( baby took the black one and i took the light blue de:) hehes:)

after choosing, we went around DAISO and see whether we can find any nice HP pouch, but there wasnt any:( sobsob:(

we bought the pouch and went around walking lor:) ohoh:) i saw this long sleeve shirt wif the hood:) very nice lor:) i wanted to buy the black one, but baby say im more suitable to the white one:) i bought after walking around IMM wif baby for an 1 hour lor:) hehes:)

oh ya:) baby also bought a new black wallet:) i choose one hor:) actually i prefer the white one, but baby took the black one instead:) cos she didnt wan to dirty it:)

when we ask the sale lady for opinion, u know wat she said:)


sale lady: actually the white one looks more nicer, u(kim) using this black bag right, if u use the black wallet later cannot see ur wallet cos ur bag is black but if u use the white one can find easier......

baby and I: tong!!!! DIAO!!!! -.-''' VERY COLD VERY COLD!!! argh argh argh!!!

it was so lame lor:) hahas:) but we laughed when baby purchase her wallet:)

anyway we were walking round and round IMM but the stupid converse shop is not open yet lor, so i went to ask one lady when will it be open and she said tonight:) so we left IMM and went to west mall converse shop:) i bought a converse anyway:)

my new shoes:)

thank u baby:) yup:) im done updating le:)

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