Saturday, June 28, 2008

thursday was foo wu birthday:) celebrated his birthday at bugis. hmmm. i met steph and rush down to meet them after sch lor. we met up wif su min then meet the rest and went to eat steamboat at dun know know wat place la. hehes:) cant recall le. ermm. dun know wat da da blah blah steamboat lor. hehes. anyway robin join us after that and we went to had our dinner lor:) after being show to our seats, the girls said they wan to go to the toilet, but i know where they want to go la:) hehes:) while the guys leh, we started taking tonnes of food and put everything inside the soup lor. ohoh. since we can have 2 soup, we decided to have the chicken and tom yam soup:P everyone eat alot la. hahas. the girls came back awhile later. everyone started eating and talking lor. very very fun. no conflict at all lor:) everyone is laughing laughing laughing la. we order 2 to 3 jug of heniken after that too. to tell the true, the beer dun know y taste so so so much nicer than keat hong. really really. maybe is because of the coldness of the taste that makes me felt so ba. the beer is so cold that i couldnt smell it la. very nice. really:) after that, a surprised cake appeared la. and we sang happy birthday song to foo wu:P qiu gib him 2 present and we also gave him too. too bad we cant make him paiseh. we bought a couple pouch for him, and we told him to open it and gib to the person he like, but he dun wan to gib lor. kuku:P nvm. ended the dinner early and headed home lor. cos robin need to be home b4 10 and me, steph and su min also got sch. ya. reach home around 11 plus plus:) hehes:)

i went to work on friday wif everyone la:) hmmm, ah kiam took a 9 days leave because dun know wat happened to him. get well soon tao eh:) so, who take over leh. muahahahas:) jimmy:)
swee man, havoc liao lor. since i was told to do dish out, so i hardly went 5th floor lor. hehes. but i got help abit la. so, it end up having around 6 queenmary left unwash. surprisingly, we never havoc lor. dun know y. maybe got used to ah kiam around ba. took transport home after that lor:)

today i slept almost the whole morning la. slack slack slack slack lor:)
pls help me to stop my procrastination:(

hehes:) our newly wed:P hahas:) so sweet:P

friends always:P solo, choon, foo wu, robin, cheng wei and me:P

birthday boy:) happy birthday:P

random photo:P hahas. both act cool only:P hahas.

this photo was taken at vivo:) very cool right. same hight as solo lor:)

hmmm, so sorry guys, i currently have this few pics from sentosa, will get all the pics from steph asap:)

is manga

this mango ice kachang very nice la. really really. we had this during my didi birthday:)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

sorry sorry. i wanted to wait for steph to send me the photo then update de. but it turns out that steph went overseas. neh its ok. will update wif some photo ba.
we went to sentosa on wednesday. met in the morning and took 188 from cck to harbour. had our breakfast cum lunch at the hocker centre wif ah foo zai. after that we purchase our ticket, aboard the bus and headed toward sentosa. after a short discussion we decided to go to PALAWAN BEACH. the beach where the bridge was. the weather was perfect for us. however things turn out unexpectedly. it started to turn cloudy and windy la. very shiok at first. ya. i was singing at that time. but b4 i was going to sing to the chores part, thunder strikes. damn it lor. hahas. it rains anyway, but by then we had already reached the twin tower opposite us. while waiting for the rain to stop, everyone dry themselves up but i didnt lor. hahas. the rain stop eventually and we continue our swim and games. the girls join us too:) oh ya. choon gf nearly drown. she was going up and down lor. at first qiu shouted for help. but we did not reacted fast cos qiu was giving this look that tell us she wan to prank us. but things didnt turn out well so everyone swim toward her lor. i held choon gf and push her towards the shore. by then everyone came to help. close close close escape. but qiu and choon gf doesnt seem to be freak out lor. hahas. anyway we decided to pack up awhile later, bcos steph felt itchy and her face were really red la. after bathing we waited for the girls almost 1h la, so so so long lor. thanks to those peacocks:) they entertain us while we were waiting for the girls. we went to vivo to shop shop abit. then steph, choon gf and i splite up wif the rest:) 3 of us took train while the rest took bus. reached home quite early lor. slept around 12, i guess:)
celebrated my lovely younger brother birthday ytd:) happy birthday didi:) may all ur wishes come true. anyway, my gor, didi and i had lunch at S11. after which they went to swimming while i accompany steph to np to collect something:P accompany her home to collect something after that and she pei me to cck. cos i need to go to cini to meet my gor and didi:) after meeting them wif alice jiejie, we went to this hongkong restaurant to had our dinner. the food are nice la. the mango ice kancang also nice:) hehes. must try. quite cheap also:) we decided to watch the movie "get smart" at 920pm. however, while waiting for time to pass, we spend our time at the aracade. honestly, the aracade suckssssss man. not fun de lor. only the basketball game is fun:P
anyway, we watched the movie after that and took a cab home:) ohya. this movie is really funny, do go and watch no regrets. very very funny.
today leh, do my hpd assg 2. i had completed it le:)
miss my aiai:(

photo will be upload once my aiai is back from batam:)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

arghh. one more week to sch reopen le. damn bored. hahas. and im kind of going out almost everyday la. wth man. hahas. anyway. last week didnt went out much i guess:) went out wif my friends on friday to far east, cos steph need to buy something for her concert:) so went shopping lor. after that, we went to take pay and went to peninsular to meet solo and robin:) cos, ya, cannot say:) hehes:) after that we accompany robin and his friends to eat chicken rice:) then went to marina square:) cos qiu wanted to go shopping. but it turn out that most of them went to the arcade:) so qiu, su min and i decided to go to suntec:) we went there to look for nat. hahas. its been a long time and its nice to see her la. hahas. after that we kind of split up wif robin they all and went to westmall to had dinner. met foowu and ah boon around 11 at westmall to watch midnight movies:) hehes.
we watched kung fu panda:P hehes. quite funny la. but to tell the truth, it was my second time watching it le. hahas.

celebrated advance father's day on sat at my grandfather place:) ya:) and i played mahjong:) hahas:) ohohoh. and that day was my first time getting "thirteen one" in mahjong. so cool right. i can say it was very tyco. really really tyco:)

went to steph concert at NP on sun. hmm. de concert not bad la. only the middle part and the encore play is nice:) really:) truly sincerely nice. the beginning is also nice la. cos the music is so so so nice that i fall asleep:P went to keat hong to had our dinner after that. then home:)

ytd also went out. hahas. went to parklane and play pool and arcade wif u guys:P fun fun fun day la:) ah foo zai join us after that wif qiu and steph. kukunehneh, they lie to me that they went to JP:) but im magnanimous:P another fun day la. but i spend quite alot also. trying to proof to foowu and solo that i will catch the mickey. stupid machine. cheat money de. puipui. went to lot1 to had dinner after that:P

today leh. slack slack slack. and im procrastinating again. arghhh. thrusday must start doing all my work le. anyway, we are going to sentosa tml. yeah yeah yeah:) wouldnt it be nice:P will update wif tonnes of pic the next time:)

nice nice nice, i take de leh. 7 ticket:P kungfu panda:P

steph's band concert:P nice:) steph is somewhere in this pic try finding her:P quite blur la. sorry:) she's playing the drum anyway:P

hmm, its been a long time
although im alone
but i still think im not
its unpredictable
stopping wont stop anything
u need to continue walking
to see things around u
to tell the truth

its just a random post:P wahahhahas:P gotcha:P

Thursday, June 12, 2008

ya. although im having holiday, but i still dun have the holiday mood.
hais sian.
anyway, went to cut my hair ytd:) but everyone say i like never cut like that lor.
but never. i will cut even shorter the next time.
after cutting my hair, i played mj wif my bro and his friends, and i lose 17 bucks.
wth man.
sian sian ar.
today leh, went to meet steph to collect the concert ticket then went to sunshin place.
had dinner wif everyone except su min and steph.
cos lewis going for his army soon, so we decided to have a small gathering.
a form of farewell gathering i guess.
come to think of it, my hair will be botak in 3 yrs time. hahas.
who will be the one waiting for me??
hmmm. cant imagine:) hehes:)
tml will be a boring day, hais, pls jio me out my friends:)

cant think cant think.
i dun wan to think. someone pls gib me ur advice:)

Saturday, June 07, 2008

ytd was a such a boring day la. wth.
so i decided to go the west mall mac to help ZJ in his drawing.
but it turns out that i didnt help him much la. hahas. oh ya, nessya and elaine was at there too.
both of them so steady lor, help zuojia to do his thumbnail.
hahas. chat wif them and laugh wif them.
in the end, everyone fall asleep except zuojia. hahas.
went home after that to had my dinner and later in the night, i was kind of pissed off lor.
hahas. nth much la.
just dun like it when someone dun listen to wat u said
and dun like it when someone didnt contact u at all:)
neh, come to think of it, im thinking too much. am i? lols

i went out wif my bunch of good friends:) a very very fun day.
really:) everything is planned accordingly la. except for a small mistake lor.
today went to town, i was supposed to meet lewis then take bus and meet steph and su min.
but in the end, lewis didnt went wif us cos he overslept.hahas:) its ok de:)
so i went to take 190 and met steph and su min then headed to city hall to meet qiumei. took
tonnes of funny photo in the bus wif steph:) hahas. met qiumei outside the entrance and went to had our breakfast cum lunch at mos burger, cos we were kind of sick of eating BK:) hahas.
qiumei order 15 mussel and it cost 8 dollar plus lor. the mussel is super nice. should try. no regrets. hahas. awhile later, foo wu, solo and choon came. we finish everything quickly and accompany them to take pay. yes, steph started to shuffle while waiting for the rest to collect their pay. but i can shuffle better than her. wahahas:P lalas:) headed to penisular cos choon and solo and sumin wanted to put. yupyup. so, blah blah blah. ( private content) hehes:)
after putting, qiu, solo and peh went to work, lewis and choon went home. while steph sumin and i went to bugis. yeahyeah. went there to shop. hmm. steph bought 2 dress and one scaf:) and i bought a top for myself. hehes. tml going to help steph to buy another one. lols.
soon, we went to meet steph's mum. kind of scared at first, but it turn out that her mum is so funny la. very nice person. hahas:) followed aunty to buy a shirt for her friend daughter, and went around looking lor. went to eat sake sushi la. but aunty treated us. so paiseh lor:( thanks aunty. hahas. then took a cab to a hotel cos steph mum wan to collect something from her friend, i think:) then went to another place to pass something to another friend, then go home:) aunty fetch me home first lor. so paiseh. ( aunty didnt drive hor, is the cab fetch de, dun get the wrong idea) wahahas:)

so loving right, so envy right. hahas. so nice to see sweet couple in the bus. hahas:P

photo taken at mos burger:) qiu drank milktea lor. very nice la. hahas. should try:P

guess guess guess guess:) guess wat place is this:)

yup, yup:) this were the food we ate, quite little right:) hahas. but very full lor.

there were more photo but the rest not so nice, so didnt post:P sorry ar:) oh ya, aunty gib me a piece of advice. she said, if i really love the person, i must be rich and cannot make her suffer. yes. very true and i will work hard. thanks aunty for the dinner and the free ride home:P

hmmm, i dun know dun know dun know dun know dun know dun know..........

sorry seems to be the hardest word.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

so sorry guys.
didnt have time to update. wahahas:)
hmmm. where should i start wors.
firstly, YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!!
my common test is over:):) yes man:)
can sleep like a pig tml le. hehes.
neh, i had 2 papers nia. but very stressful ( not as stressful as aiai, sayang sayang)
my papers were EG1 and ENGMEC.
EG1 is simple and straight forward la.
but i didnt check and just went to sleep after i had complete the paper.
so confident right, but i think im over confident, Ppfft.
today i had my second and final paper, engmec.
quite difficult to understand at first, but the more u practise the more u will get familiarize wif.
very chim de lor.
need to do things like, resolve Fx and Fy, find the resultant, find its moment, find wat tension la.
chim right:) hahas:)
after paper, went to canteen 4 to eat wif my classmate then went to PDI studio to finish up my drawings.
mark wan us to hand in today, so we bo bian must do la.
actually is not a must la, but i prefer handing my work on time:)
going to PDI studio was really fun la.
the yr2 were there, so we were somehow chatting wif them too.
talk and draw, draw and talk la, but in the end, the guys went off and my gfs all acompany me:)
thanks sihui, amelia, alicia and yanti:)
anyway, my advisor very talented la, my role model.
highly respected la, his drawings and everything is so professional la.
today he was making this ironman figure. so nice la. but the colour didnt turn out nice and he is going to redo it.
lol. must learn more from him.
i went over to choon house to have steamboat wif everyone:)
very very very nice la, love the food, love the XO love the show:P
thanks guys, u all are still the best:)
hope to have tonnes of outing wif tonnes of ppl:)
-1P03 outing:D
-town wif aiai<3
-outing wif auntyaunty:P
-meet up wif kim:)
-work work
-stewarding gathering:P:P

but cannot get my hopes up so well:(
i haven done my second assignment, and i need to have a total of 17 PDI journal entry!!!!!!!!!
arghh, Ppfft:P