Wednesday, June 04, 2008

so sorry guys.
didnt have time to update. wahahas:)
hmmm. where should i start wors.
firstly, YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!!
my common test is over:):) yes man:)
can sleep like a pig tml le. hehes.
neh, i had 2 papers nia. but very stressful ( not as stressful as aiai, sayang sayang)
my papers were EG1 and ENGMEC.
EG1 is simple and straight forward la.
but i didnt check and just went to sleep after i had complete the paper.
so confident right, but i think im over confident, Ppfft.
today i had my second and final paper, engmec.
quite difficult to understand at first, but the more u practise the more u will get familiarize wif.
very chim de lor.
need to do things like, resolve Fx and Fy, find the resultant, find its moment, find wat tension la.
chim right:) hahas:)
after paper, went to canteen 4 to eat wif my classmate then went to PDI studio to finish up my drawings.
mark wan us to hand in today, so we bo bian must do la.
actually is not a must la, but i prefer handing my work on time:)
going to PDI studio was really fun la.
the yr2 were there, so we were somehow chatting wif them too.
talk and draw, draw and talk la, but in the end, the guys went off and my gfs all acompany me:)
thanks sihui, amelia, alicia and yanti:)
anyway, my advisor very talented la, my role model.
highly respected la, his drawings and everything is so professional la.
today he was making this ironman figure. so nice la. but the colour didnt turn out nice and he is going to redo it.
lol. must learn more from him.
i went over to choon house to have steamboat wif everyone:)
very very very nice la, love the food, love the XO love the show:P
thanks guys, u all are still the best:)
hope to have tonnes of outing wif tonnes of ppl:)
-1P03 outing:D
-town wif aiai<3
-outing wif auntyaunty:P
-meet up wif kim:)
-work work
-stewarding gathering:P:P

but cannot get my hopes up so well:(
i haven done my second assignment, and i need to have a total of 17 PDI journal entry!!!!!!!!!
arghh, Ppfft:P

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