Friday, February 27, 2009

went to pulau ubin on monday wif my class. sucks sia. it was raining. but all of us heck:) hmmm. met up wif jia, jason and amos at jurong and clementi:) head down all the way to tenah merah to take bus. waited for bus number 2 to come. but we didnt board the bus cos they wan to smoke-.-
and jia said the next bus will come very fast. fast my head:P waited for 15 mins or more then the freaking bus came. squeezed into the bus because got alot of jap kids boarded the bus. we were supposed to meet at 12, but we reach around 1. after we reached changi, we headed to the kopi tiam:) super delicious food down there. ate carrot cake while the rest ate nasi lemak. after eating took ferry to PU:) it was raining lor:( hahas. we rented a bic for 6 bucks change to my sleeveless and start cycling:) didnt took much photo due to the weather. we cycled one side of ubin:) went to the beach, explored so many place. we were happy happy happy:P u know y??? cos we didnt get any mosquito bite due to the rain:D hahas. we return back the bic and back to changi. by then we were all freaking drench. haha.
dry ourselves up and went to eat again:) da pao for qiu and met her at tenah marah:) and headed home.

will update on wed outing wif steph:) haven recieve the photo.

i let zuojia read the email. he wanted to know wat happened. he read and the first thing he said
zj: go find her back lah
J: y?
zj: she still love you lah stupid.
zj: shes using him as your replacement

thanks everyone who cared for me:) really appreciate it<3>

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

im not supposed to feel this way, but i am.
i just felt speechless after seeing that.
im just thinking too much.
i should wish them instead of being sad.
but i just cant help it.
seriously need help.
no more tearing, because i had enough.

thanks steph aiai and aunty for consoling me.

"Three Cheers For Five Years"

I swear that you don't have to go
I thought we could wait for the fireworks
I thought we could wait for the snow
To wash over Georgia and kill the hurt
I thought I could live in your arms
And spend every moment I had with you
Stay up all night with the stars
Confess all the faith that I had in you
To late, I'm sure and lonely
Another night, another dream wasted on you
Just be here now against me
You know the words so sing along for me baby
For heaven's sake I know you're sorry
But you won't stop crying
This anniversary may never be the same
Inside I hope you know I'm dying
With my heart beside me
In shattered pieces that may never be replaced
And if I died right now you'd never be the same

I thought with a month of apart
Together would find us an opening
And moonlight would provide the spark
And that I would stumble across the key
Or break down the door to your heart
Forever could see us not you and me
And you'd help me out of the dark
And I'd give my heart as an offering

And I will always remember you as you are right now to me
And I will always remember now
Sleep alone tonight with no one here just by your side
How does he feel, how does he kiss
How does he taste while he's on your lips
I can't forget you
I know you want me to want you
I want to
But I can't forgive you
So when this is over don't blow your composure baby
I can't forgive you
I know you want me to want you I want to

Saturday, February 21, 2009

hey transformers 2 official trailer is out man. i think its worth waiting:) some pics that might be in the movie:)

heard that devastator will be in transformer 2. shiok:) u know wats devastator??? its 5 construction vehicle combine into one robot:)

this is the bot that optimus fought wif at the end of the trailer:) nice right. hahas.
going to be a long post man. hahas. i have change a new link. been freaking busy recently due to my final 2 papers on thursday and friday:) its over anyway. yeahhh:P
before that i need to update wat happened l
ast friday:)
5 of us, amos, feeq, jason, andy and i brought our guitar to sch:) and we ended up playing guitar in our PDI studio. hahas. in the end, amos and feeq were the only one playing and im singing. i dun know y but i just feel like singing, even thought my singing sucks. hahas. stayed back after sch and played guitar again. damn damn damn nice:)

stayed at home from sat til monday to study,but i didnt study much. hahas. because i was rushing for my PDI journal and MDA discussion qns. so which means i started my revision offically on tuesday and my papers were like 2 days away. hahas.
went to sch on tuesday, cos i cant concentrate at home. meet up wif my classmates and started revision at atrium. i was able to finish up my 1 past yr paper despite the discussion on our chalat. anyway, sihui suggested to go island creamery for ice cream after study and we all went there:) hahas.
super no regret man. not because of the ice creams. is because we saw
RUI EN<3>. but, yanti cam was having low batt at that time and the photo was corrupted la. luckily still can see our face:) she waves goodbye to us after we left:D so nice right:) hahas. YT came over on wed to accompany me on my studies, but ended up playing guitar and play com. hahas. fun day anyway:) ytd had my final paper:) was told to bring beer and only 3 of us bought. hahas. stay in sch til 5 and went home to play rock legend. thats all for now:)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

lets start off from, ermm. okok. sch reopen at chu shan( third day or CNY) freaking sian lor. but still need to go sch. hahas. anyway, continued doing my doorknob form. finish my key shape doorknob, and look, im sanding the handle for my doorknob while playing blackjack during lesson. the whole class went out of the class just to play BJ. hahas. lost quite alot man. hahas.
presented my DSCD doorknob project on tuesday and was told to wear formal. hahas. sucks lor. de long sleeve that i wear for my prom become freaking big la. serious serious. then make me look as though i gain weight. hahas. ohya. andy brought his guitar that day. played abit and we all decided to bring our guitar on friday. hahas. yeah man. poser.
see, i look fat right. sucks sia.
this are my moodboard, lifestyle chart and poster:)

lonely valentine. sobsob. stay tune for friday update. guitar guitar guitar guitar guitar:)