Thursday, February 12, 2009

lets start off from, ermm. okok. sch reopen at chu shan( third day or CNY) freaking sian lor. but still need to go sch. hahas. anyway, continued doing my doorknob form. finish my key shape doorknob, and look, im sanding the handle for my doorknob while playing blackjack during lesson. the whole class went out of the class just to play BJ. hahas. lost quite alot man. hahas.
presented my DSCD doorknob project on tuesday and was told to wear formal. hahas. sucks lor. de long sleeve that i wear for my prom become freaking big la. serious serious. then make me look as though i gain weight. hahas. ohya. andy brought his guitar that day. played abit and we all decided to bring our guitar on friday. hahas. yeah man. poser.
see, i look fat right. sucks sia.
this are my moodboard, lifestyle chart and poster:)

lonely valentine. sobsob. stay tune for friday update. guitar guitar guitar guitar guitar:)

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