Monday, November 23, 2009

hey hey. time to update man. hahas. alright, last week was my e learning week. didnt have much lesson going on but only some online assignment to hand in. quite sian to do but i managed to finish it up. hahas.

anyway, accompany my b and her sister to enroll to CDC on sat. we reach there around 2 plus and we realize only sat and sun open till 12. so we wasted a trip to there. haha. after which we decided to head to kester house as he wanted to take his lappy. reach his house and we played with his dog. damn cute sia. hahas. and then a short game of MJ and 16 tilts. haha. as we were playing we somehow forget about our time to meet kangling and he was kinda pissed off. sorry sorry. anyway meet up and we bused to town. b and i separated from the rest and we went to wisma for some window shopping. how i wish i have my money back lor, if not i will sure buy that shorts and shirt. sian. after that both of us kinda get hungry and i started to have craving for sushi. so baby treat me siaaa:) thanks baby. meet up with the rest again and had some sushi. shiok shiok. after sushi we separated with the rest again and went for some window shopping at INO. a bag in C&K caught b attention and she wanted it so so so badly.but she didnt get as she didnt want to spend money. hahas. anyway we stayed at there till C&K close lor and we trained home. thats all for last sat.

anyway, there is a serious huge rain on thursday lor. damn huge until my school is flooded man. there is video too. the rain flooding atrium and the underpass there. water came flowing down the "down light" at our makan place. damn happening day man. hahas.

friday celebrated my dear gf chinese birthday with her mum at PS. meet up b with her mum and went shopping together. yilin seriously bought alot alot of things can. and i dont know y, me and b sister keep having arguement and conflict. hahas. maybe thats our way to communicate ba. lols. after shopping all of us headed to cafe cartel for our dinner. it was my first time eating there can. and i didnt know they got free flow of bread siaa. shiokkk. hahas. the food was delicious man and in the end aunty paid everything lor. feel so bad, but thanks for the treat aunty. train home after that while b train home with her mum and sis.

celebrated our 8th monthsary at vivo city.
meet up early in the morning with b and slack at her place while she go prepare. was fighting with her until we leave house lor. damn funnyyy. hahas. soo, we walked to b dad stall to eat and went to city square mall to check out the shopping mall. cab to novena as baby wanted to get the bag so badly lor. bought the bag and we bused to vivo. when we reach vivo, we decided to check the movie time slot but none of the movie attracted us and b wanted to watch Fantastic Mr Fox. in the end we went window shopping instead. hahas. headed to M.phosis to see those shoes and slipper, top man to try the shirt, pet shop to see those puppies. we also went to 2 other shops, toysarus and daiso but both shops are seriously crowded with tonnes of ppl can. we went in awhile and decided to go other place instead. after walking around and around we decided to go and had our dinner at subwayyy:) weee. shiok. order and went to sit on the table which can sit 6 ppl. when we were about to eat, a group of teens came and one of them was b friend lor. they didnt have enough seats so we sacrifice our seats for them. so good right. hahas. after dinner headed to skyroof and chat. alright i shall skip it:) after which cab to b house and my house:)

i know its hard
but you are not alone
i will be there always
it hurts to see that
you can do it
i know you can
i understand it
love you b
happy 8th month b:D

thats all for the post and i shall update more the next time
oh ya anything thing

wtf stephaine is attact siaaaa:P

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