Tuesday, December 22, 2009


yeah yeah. finally our 9th month.
due to some financial problem, our 9th month celebration was at my house. lame right
haha but it was sure a fun fun day
hmmm, baby reach around 2 plus at yew tee, went to fetch her there and decided to buy sushi, campbell soup and lemon biscuit back to my place:)
was kind of happening in my house yesterday. my brothers brought their friends back home as we cant go their house.
my gor brought his friends over to MJ
my di brought his friend over to Maple
I brought my GF over to celebrate our 9th month

cool right. hahah.

anyway reach home had our lunch cum breakfast.
watch videos till like 3 4 plus and we decided to cook the campbell soup:)
nice nice nicee:P
after eating watch my gor MJ awhile and slack in my room
and i dont know how both of us fall asleep and hugging each other leg.
damnn funny when we woke up realising it.
by then, everyone were on their way home before my parents come back
so we went to lot 1 to have our dinner:P

seriously walk around lot 1 for like 30 mins and we decided to go back long john to settle our dinner there:)
after dinner, both of us were like stonning outside lot1 watching other ppl, singing and taking photo:)
all this may seem to be a normal celebration, but i was an enjoyable day for us:)

love you alot alot alot baby:) cant wait for x mas:P hehehes:P

a new month and soon a new year for us
a long long journey in front of us
time will tell and we will see
because of you and me
3 more month to go baby:P

Monday, December 21, 2009

hey hey, tonnes of things to upload so i wont drag so much:)
thursday rush to island creamery after my paper to meet baby
met her at mac and had some lunch
headed to island and ordered our usual mudpie and waffle with ice cream:) nicee:P
bused and train home and slacked at my place
in the end we decided to have dinner at novena square food court:)

ended class at 1 and rushed down to find baby at heeren:)
meet up with her and headed to cine to catch a movie:)
discuss for a while and we decided to watch the storm warrior 2. didnt have much comment for the show though. but i heard it was not as good as the first one:) i agree.
after which we went to catch amos jason and jia xuan bus to de cathy
wanted to watch another movie, new mood
but it was out of our budget, so we went to astons ( i think)
we waited like erm 30 mins until our turn to be sitted and waited another 15 mins for the food to come can. but the food were simply great:P
slacked out de cathy and then playground at baby place:) its fun to have heart to heart talk:)
fetch baby home and cabbed home using baby money:(

baby came to accompany me as i wanted to study for my monday paper. in the end we drag till 3 4 plus then leave house. and it was the time where places like starbucks or mac would be crowded. so in the end we went to lot 1 instead and mug all the way till 8 while baby went to read.
went to have mac for dinner and fetch baby back to novena, on the way she told me about the book she read and how interesting it was:)

mum invited b to come over as to celebrate her birthday. so surprise that mum actually invited baby.
went to yew tee point to meet baby and baby had chicken rice at one of the shop
went back to my place we watched the proposal:)
had a very small cake cutting session before my parents went out:)
after which my gor suggested for a game of MJ.
play till evening and we stop and rush to swimming complex to have our dinner
just a very simple dinner at a the zhu chao.
continued our game once we reached home a the game ended around 1030 cann
thanks to gor as he drive b home:)

some unpleasant things happened:(

Monday and Tuesday
was having 2 papers on monday and tuesday.
so i didnt meet up with baby:) until my end of tuesday paper
wanted to see her so much due to some incident
went down to city hall and meet baby, her sister and kl
had subway there with them
and went to stewarding office as kiam wanted us to sign something before we can work
after that headed to marina square as they wanted to watch ninja assasin
nice nice nice:)
after buying the ticket slack at starbucks while waiting for MH
rush into the theaten when MH reach and i realise that our seats arrangment got problem but we just heck.
seriously a nice movie:) love the fighting part.
after movie we walk around and decided to go esplanade and slack
decided to talk to baby alone and i drag her to one corner to talk
didnt talk much as we needed to rush for the last train and bus.
managed to took the last train toward jurong east via woodland because i think that there wont be train to yew tee if i take the green line.
home sweet home anyway.

baby meeting her friends for another round of movie as king booked out.
didnt go with them as i wanted to study for my thursday paper.
so i stayed home till evening but it turns out that i went to play mj with my gor and his friends.
decided to go ton at kl to study my exam.
pack my bag and went to meet baby at tiong bahru.
meet up with b her sister, james and RK.
waited for KL and kester and we head to this shop introduced by james
order around 8 dishes of food and we started eating:)
food were nice cann:) haha.
after eating bill came and it was only 53 i think. seriously damnn cheapp:) haha.
after eating headed to playground near the bus stop while waiting for MH to come.
slack at there and some stupid and childish things happen
shall skip it. haha.
after it was over bused to KL house, bathe and started mugging all the way till 5.
thanks baby for the accompany and serious had fun studying there.
lots of laughter while using the com and calling mac. hahah. u know i know:P

woke up early, change and went to school. while b and her sister went home. reached sch, put down my bag and went to ask some last min qns from alan before the paper starts.
paper was fine and after paper stayed in school to wait for baby to come
bring baby from main bus stop all the way to our school studio
serious a damnn far lor. around 5 mins of walk. haha.
meet jia at clementi and went to eat sakae as to celebrate amos 18th birthday
although we didnt eat much i still enjoy like part where we need to hide all the food.
damnnnn funny.
after eating headed down to haji lane as the guys wanted to try shisha.
had some random chat and the place we went to was serious nice to slack.
baby almost fall asleep in my arms. haha.
after shisha, fetched baby home and home sweet home:)

went to the christmas party for the DAS company. this time we had some serious talk with the president of DAS about the event we will be organising on april. i think. after which networking party starts. walk around talking with designers and had some small drink:P:P
alright i shall skip this part:) because i seriously forget most of it:) hehehehehes:)

reach home around morning afternoon with baby. slack at my place till around 4 5 plus and headed to work:) baby accompanied me to work and fetched her to 131 bus stop:)

thanks baby:) really appreciated it alot alot. i dont know wat will happened if you were not there with me the day before:P MUACKSSS
work till 6am today and home sweet home:)

woke up around noon, had quarrel with my mum:(
leave house around 2 to meet b as i wanted to send stephanie off at changi airport
meet b at novena and had lunch at subway.
train to airport and had window shopping there
did alot alot alot of stunt with baby cann:)
damnn funny
waited for steph to reach and accompany her and her mum and her sister.
decided to have popeye for dinner with baby.
seriously sucks sucks suckss. never going to eat that again.
doesnt taste nice can. and i rather have cheese fries at KFC:(
wasted lorrr.
anyway, accompany steph to terminal 1 and send her off:)
will see her soon on jan 5th. hahas.
have fun at aus steph:) and do rmb ME. haha.

last but not least...


Friday, December 11, 2009

laugh some more and i will write all your unglam action today at...

okay don't angry.
tomorrow i treat you eat sweet okay.
faster go and study i tell you.

good bye! (:

Saturday, December 05, 2009

im trying to be careful
im really doing it
its really too sudden
what can i do
what am i suppose to do

all i wan is to see u smile
thats all
seeing you like that just hurt me
im disappointed in myself
im sorry
im really
has not been feeling real good
i need to hear your voice

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

hey. meet up early in the morning with baby on friday. train down early in the morning to her place and slept at her place because im soo tired. haha. after we woke up, we change and headed down to jalan besar stadium for a swim. wanted to walk there at first but the sun is seriously burning hot that we decided to cab there. when we reach there we were surprised by the number of ppl swimming. there were like last than 10 ppl in the big pool. damn shiok and it was really a good time for us to sun tan. we swim lap rest awhile chat and continue swimming laps. soon, b was hungry and she cant swim much due to her hunger. so we decided to slack at there awhile, do some sun taning and afterwhich we had our final few laps and we change and leave the place. headed to city square mall to have our breakfast cum lunch. we had subway as yilin was craving for it. after eating we walked back to home despite the rain. while walking back we saw this whitish huge dog in a shop. serious damn cute and the fur is soooo nice to touch. hahas. reach baby home around 4 plus and we started play MJ. and to our surprise we MJ all the way til 8 plus sia. wtf right. b and her sister went to prepare as they were meeting alina. after preparing we left house and cabbed to iluma. waited for alina and she treated us ice cream thankss. had a small chat and we soon went to bugis mac to have my dinner. by then it was already 11 le lor and i seriously rush my dinner. thanks baby for the treat:) love youuu. haha. after which separated with b as she was going to ton over at alina house while i go home.

i recieve alot of calls during midnight and soon my dad's phone rang. a moment of slience and soon i could hear him coming out of his room. was feeling curious and decided to go out of my room to take a look. once i was out of my room i could feel a sense of urgency and it was confrim that the death of my ah ma was 2am. i was speechless and helpless, all i could do was to wait for my parents to come home from the hospital. it was 10am in the morning and my parents were back, they did not explain much both of them were in sorrow. neither my younger brother nor i could help my parents up. so we had to wait till sunday. sunday, the first day of my ah ma funeral which was held at the singapore casket. most of the relative reach and soon the ceremony begins. i tried my best not to tear. "ah ma wake up ah, ah ma wake up ah." i could feel the sad and sorrow in the room but what can we do? soon the morning ceremony was over, nothing much to be done throughout the whole afternoon until night time. friends and family of each relatives soon came, however the second ceremony was about to start. thanks baby for coming. had our second ceremony and everyone left around 11. the second day of my ah ma funeral was the same as the first day however i decided to stay overnight. and i really appreciate that my baby accompanied me all the way til morning. the third day of my ah ma funeral. had our final ceremony and soon the casket was place into the van. my dad and his brother places their hand and followed the van till the main road. at that point of time a sense of being apart was near. no one wanted to let it go, no one refused to accept the fact that ah ma is on her way to be cremated. tears started flowing down my cheek when all of ah ma's son started to cried and shout out her name. a shuttle bus fetches all the relatives to the cremationium hall at mandai. a farewell ceremony was held and soon we were separated with our ah ma casket. all of us were up at the room with a transparent glass panel in front of us. soon, a casket was slowly being move below us. the situation was so so so sad. tear keep flowing down my cheek while i supported my parents. the casket went in and the door shut. flames could be seen and i realise that was the last time i going to see my ah ma.
ah ma, we love you:'(

alright i shall stop at here
but last but not least