Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hmmm:) dun blog recently:(
kind of lazy and no time to update:(
ermmm:) i finally found a job:) its a waiter at swisshotel:)
the pay was $6 per hour and $7 for public holiday:)

its holiday already:) but i just dun have the holiday mood:(
sian:( really dun know wats going on wif me:(
hais:( i guess its about relationship and studies that made me not in the mood:(


i recently found this new band:)
its called the DANITY KANE:)
they were choosen by P.diddy in the tv show " making the band 3"
all of the band members were pretty and their songs were quite nice too:)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

so sorry that i didnt update my blog recently:)
kind of lazy and dun know wat to write either:)
i got a job finally:) the job was a waiter and the place was at "swisshotel":)
i heard from my friends that the salary was $6 per hour, holiday $7 per hour:)
wed, i went there wif lao gao, marc, foo, cheng wei and su min:)
when we reach there, we thought that we need to undergo an interview:)
but it turn out that a lady from there told us to come for training next wed-.-"
its like WTF lor:)
we go all the way there and they just told us to come for training next wed:)
i guess we are hired le ba:) hehes:)

19/10/2006, thursday was my graduation night:)
that night was quite amazing:)
its like everyone need to go up the stage, shake hands wif our form and co form teachers, and then take their souvenir, take a photo wif them on the stage and then go to center of the stage and take a bow:)
time flies:) its like ytd was my first of sch and today is my graduation night:) hehes:)
maybe im coming back 4 sec 5:) hehes:) really hope so:) everyone has faith 4 me:)
wish me luck ppl:)
after my graduation night about 3 quarter of the class when to ms koh house:)
we had pizza at her place:) and this is like a reunion for class 3/3:)
after eating we help to clear up and we went home:)
today i went swimming wif my dad:) and maybe im getting my new hp:)

Monday, October 16, 2006

didnt update my blog recently:)
very lazy to update:) hehes:)

i went swimming in morning wif my dad and went to play lan wif foo, his bro, marc and roy at 2:)
after which i went to visit my grandmother:)
nothing must happened ytd:)

i went to sch as per normal:) althought my exam are over i still need to go sch:) sian-.-"
today nothing much happened too:)
ermm, during recess, marc called lao gao to get a number from a girl:)
she a sec 1 girl:)
she has this bitchy looks, but shes kind of funny:)
nth much happened:( sian:(

Friday, October 13, 2006

actually, i got a part time job ytd:)
it was selling ice cream at HDB flat:)
at first i was pleased to have this job:)
but it turn out that, me, foo, marc, cheng wei need to go to eunos to assemble:(
wtf lor:(
we live at Choa Chu Kang, and they informed us at 4:30 and they expected us to reach there before 6 -.-"
furthermore it takes 1h45mins to reach there lor:(
so, we called our "boss" that we cant make as it was too far from here:(
instead of telling us nvm, that fucker scolded us, and said that we did not take this job seriously:(
wtf lor:(
we live so far and they expect us to reach eunos at 6:( and after 6:15 if we haven come they had to fine 5dollar from us:(
in the end we didnt go and decided to find another job instead:)

so, ytd night yie poh said that she is finding a job at TOY'R'US:)
so i ask her whether we can do a job application at there:) and she agree:)

Me, chengwei, marc, yie poh, julinda, man jun and peggie went to suntec 4 the application:)
we went there and fill up a form:)
as nat, lao gao and foo wu could not make it:)
we help them to fill up the application form:)
after filling up, i notice that more and more ppl had arrived to get this job application:(
just hope that they will hire us and put us at the same place:)

after filling up the application, me , marc, and cheng wei went to marina square to play lan:)
that place was nice and in a reasonable price:)
we went home after that:)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Natalie Chui Shu yi:)
wat a stupid girl:) hahas:)
this girl was my classmate since sec 1:) so sway:(
everyday see her,see her until sian liao:)
but shes quite a nice person too:)

Today i went to Simei ITE:)
the place was quite clean, and quite advance:)
of all the touring and activities we done today, the interesting things that attracted my attention was the indoor basketball court:)
the place was huge and very advance:)
we play street soccer, even though there is limited time 4 us to enjoy this game:)
i still enjoyed it:)
but so sway:( got the same number as NANA -.-"

so after the trip to simei ITE:) our whole class went back to sch and, me, foo, marc, and laogao went to play 2 hours of lan:)

after playing, i went home and called nat:)
shes so bo do lor:)
i bluff her that my blog add got numbers at the back, then she really go believe it:)
i say wat u also believe:) hahas:)
bo do sia:) hahas:)
cant u hear me laughing when i was talking to u:)

Im still de overall winner:)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

exams is finally over:)
so happy:) hehes:)
just cant wait 4 my holidays:)
but i still have my O lvl math:(
sian:( need to study again:(
but slack first:) hehes:)
today had my final paper:)
D&T and a math:)
both paper doesnt seem that tough:)
just hope that i can get good grade 4 both subject:)
and i hope to made it to sec 5:)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

A girl in my school:)

ermm.. this friendship started off very simple:)
i knew this girl from my jie:) she was a malay and she was my jie cousin:)
at de beginning:) we were just normal friends:) as in hi and bye:)
but i didnt know they she had a huge crush on me after arif told me:)
so, one day i ask 4 her msn address and friendster:)
instead of adding her, she added me:)

after she added me, i took the initiative to ask 4 her number:)
she gladly give me:) and since then we had been smsing everyday:)
and somehow, she confess her feeling toward me and i cant deny that i had fallen in love wif her:)
after confessing, i ask her whether she wan to have further friendship wif me as in together or remain as friends...
i was thinking of being friends cause if we really last long, we will encounter lots of problem as in religious problem:( i knew she did not wan be friend wif me she wans to be together wif me:)
but she agree the decision i made, i knew this is very hurtful, but i told her i will reconsiderate my decision:)

however, since that incident, i began to regret about the decision i made:(
i cant deny that i had feeling 4 her:)
and i guess it was too late:( she began to avoid me lately, didnt sms me too:(
when i ask her wat happened, she told me she avoid me beacause she got problem wif her ex:(
till now i still really dun know wats going on between her and her ex:(
i wan to know wats her problem...
y because of her ex, she wan to avoid me?
i guess this friendship is falling apart:(

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

didnt blog later cause im having my N:(
im just worried 4 my english paper:(
i really really hope it will pass and i will made it to sec 5:)
i have faith wif myself:)

hmm... another thing...
just feeling moody this few days:(
about a relationship wif a girl in my sch:(
its not a relationship yet:)
just dun know y, im feeling moody:(
i will update about the incident between me and that girl:(