Friday, October 13, 2006

actually, i got a part time job ytd:)
it was selling ice cream at HDB flat:)
at first i was pleased to have this job:)
but it turn out that, me, foo, marc, cheng wei need to go to eunos to assemble:(
wtf lor:(
we live at Choa Chu Kang, and they informed us at 4:30 and they expected us to reach there before 6 -.-"
furthermore it takes 1h45mins to reach there lor:(
so, we called our "boss" that we cant make as it was too far from here:(
instead of telling us nvm, that fucker scolded us, and said that we did not take this job seriously:(
wtf lor:(
we live so far and they expect us to reach eunos at 6:( and after 6:15 if we haven come they had to fine 5dollar from us:(
in the end we didnt go and decided to find another job instead:)

so, ytd night yie poh said that she is finding a job at TOY'R'US:)
so i ask her whether we can do a job application at there:) and she agree:)

Me, chengwei, marc, yie poh, julinda, man jun and peggie went to suntec 4 the application:)
we went there and fill up a form:)
as nat, lao gao and foo wu could not make it:)
we help them to fill up the application form:)
after filling up, i notice that more and more ppl had arrived to get this job application:(
just hope that they will hire us and put us at the same place:)

after filling up the application, me , marc, and cheng wei went to marina square to play lan:)
that place was nice and in a reasonable price:)
we went home after that:)

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