Saturday, October 07, 2006

A girl in my school:)

ermm.. this friendship started off very simple:)
i knew this girl from my jie:) she was a malay and she was my jie cousin:)
at de beginning:) we were just normal friends:) as in hi and bye:)
but i didnt know they she had a huge crush on me after arif told me:)
so, one day i ask 4 her msn address and friendster:)
instead of adding her, she added me:)

after she added me, i took the initiative to ask 4 her number:)
she gladly give me:) and since then we had been smsing everyday:)
and somehow, she confess her feeling toward me and i cant deny that i had fallen in love wif her:)
after confessing, i ask her whether she wan to have further friendship wif me as in together or remain as friends...
i was thinking of being friends cause if we really last long, we will encounter lots of problem as in religious problem:( i knew she did not wan be friend wif me she wans to be together wif me:)
but she agree the decision i made, i knew this is very hurtful, but i told her i will reconsiderate my decision:)

however, since that incident, i began to regret about the decision i made:(
i cant deny that i had feeling 4 her:)
and i guess it was too late:( she began to avoid me lately, didnt sms me too:(
when i ask her wat happened, she told me she avoid me beacause she got problem wif her ex:(
till now i still really dun know wats going on between her and her ex:(
i wan to know wats her problem...
y because of her ex, she wan to avoid me?
i guess this friendship is falling apart:(

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