Friday, December 29, 2006

so sorry:) didnt wrote recently:)
sad sad:( sch is reopening soon:( hais:( no more holiday:(
da jie gib birth to a cute little princess:)
so cute wors:) hahas:)
da jie told me she will name her "shannon"
the baby girl is small:) her mouth, eyes, noses are small:)
hehes:) cute sia:)
me, marc, foo, lao gao, zap when to visit her:)
da jie is doing fine:) her baby is doing fine too:) hehes:)
sch is reopening soon:)
so i might not be able to update everyday or even once a week:)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

hey hey hey:)
ytd i got my result:) hehes:)
hmmm... at the beginning:) all of us were full of excitement and some of us were nervous about it:)
so, ytd, mrs eswaran gib us a speech and follow by a silde show presentation:)
during the presentation:)
it shows that this year we got 100% passes in english:)
when everyone saw that, there was a collective sight of relief:)
so after the speech:) its time to collect our result:)
as it goes wif index number:)
i was one of the last few:)
and by then all the girls had taken their result:)
amazingly most of the girls got promoted:)
so its my turned:) when ms chew told me my marks and handed me the result slip:)
i was shocked and happy:) hehes:)
cause i got 6 points:)
althougth it didnt reach my target, im still happy after all:)

D&T: A1
total: 6 points:)
now im waiting for my Olvl maths:)
wish me luck ppl:)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

the day has come:) hahas:)
next monday will be the day where everything will be review:)
wish me luck ppl:) hehes:)
ytd was my first time working from 7pm to today 6am:)
which mean i OT to 6am in the morning:)
today i got a fight will this ABNN houseman:)
fuck man:)
he got this fucking attitude that some of us did not like:)
and this is not the first time we got problem wif him le..
the first incident was between foo wu and him:)
the second incident was between engeue and him:)
and this morning was between me and him:)
this time was the best one:)
at the beginning me and that houseman was okok:) like normal:)
and then slowly he started giving me this fucking attitude that i really dun like:)
so, laterly, rajah came, he said atrium need more ppl for tml function:)
so that houseman pointed to me and he told me to go to atrium:)
so, when i was on my way, i heard him saying " puntha "
then i said loudly " mana puntha " back:) immediately, he called me back and asked what i said:)
i told him wat then he said nvm and called me go:)
so, since then, whenever i saw him, he will stared me and i will stared him back:)
after that, when i was in atrium, he came and i was sitting on the chair:)
immediately, he said y am i sitting:)
i say cannot ar:)
form there i quarrel beginning:)
me and foo wu kao pei him and he kao pei back:)
then he shouted " chi bye, next time u all under me, u all die"
then i walk out and confront him again:)
this time he said u all follow me, then we follow him and then he called a team leader out:)
the team leader talked to us nicely and then he said sorry behalf of that ABNN houseman:)
it was lucky that we know this team leader and his kind of good to us too:)
so we gib him face and stop this:)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

A week had pass already:)
hmmm:) i had been working from tues to sat:)
furthermore some of us had been working OT:)
which mean some of us will work till 2 in the morning:)
actually working OT is quite fun:)
nth much to do anyway:) just help to do setting and when its 2 we can go home:)
furthermore, our transport is quite fun too:)
the driver of the van is friendly and he even brought ahpeh to buy sweet:)
"cheap sweet":)
i got to know quite alot of new friends and even got their msn address:)
girl especially:)

hmmmm... time do flies fast and its already dec:)
hahas:) our result is going to be off soon:)
oh ya:)
i guess i we had earn about 400 buck le ba:)
we r rich:) hahas:)
and this coming tuesday we r going to bring in new member:)
nth much happened anyway:)