Sunday, December 03, 2006

A week had pass already:)
hmmm:) i had been working from tues to sat:)
furthermore some of us had been working OT:)
which mean some of us will work till 2 in the morning:)
actually working OT is quite fun:)
nth much to do anyway:) just help to do setting and when its 2 we can go home:)
furthermore, our transport is quite fun too:)
the driver of the van is friendly and he even brought ahpeh to buy sweet:)
"cheap sweet":)
i got to know quite alot of new friends and even got their msn address:)
girl especially:)

hmmmm... time do flies fast and its already dec:)
hahas:) our result is going to be off soon:)
oh ya:)
i guess i we had earn about 400 buck le ba:)
we r rich:) hahas:)
and this coming tuesday we r going to bring in new member:)
nth much happened anyway:)

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