Sunday, November 26, 2006

its weekend:) finally:) i can rest:) hehes:)
all of us had been working from tues to sat:)
and its really a tiring job wors:(
its like everyday, me, foo wu, cheng wei, arif, engeue, and irwan need to meet at 3 and then go all the way down to city hall:)
afte which, we need to check in through the security, change to our uniform and then go for our dinner:)
next we need go for our row call at 6 about today event:)
after that we will get our table number and we need to do everything before the guest arrived:)
when the guest arrived we need to help them place the napkin, next we need to go to the kitchen to take our first dish:)
and follow by second, the third and then so on until the 8th course:(
by then all of us is already tired le:(
after that, when the guest leave we can sign off and go le:)
but the team leader told us to stay and arrange the table for tonight event:(
soon, another manager came and take over:(
he insisted us to arrange 4 tables within 1hour or else we wont get our pay:(
so, after arranging its already 5:30 and there's only less that thirty minutes for us to rest and do our own stuff:(
at that time we really cant take it:)
and all of us decided to skip the night function:)
after persuading to the ivy, she said that the manager made the final decision:)
so me, foo and irwan went to the look for the manager:)
after telling him our incident:)
he told us to tell ivy that we are sick:)
this means that we can go home and rest:)
after sat incident, we all decided not to book two function in one day:)
it was lucky that we met this manager:)
all thankz to him wors:)

hmmm.... as days pass, the day when we were to get our results is nearer:(
its going to be no problem:)
i will pass de:)
da jie and everyone have faith with me:)

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