Sunday, July 29, 2007

hey:) today i went jurong library wif deardear wors:)
hmmm:) today we went earlier than last week lor:(
but we still couldnt find a sofa to study:(
we were lucky to find a sofa lor:) hehes:) we begin to study:) yeah:)
today deardear did her maths and i did my history, maths and chem:)
oh ya:) i also lend my chem textbook to deardear:)

hmmm:) this thursday, everyone is gettting back their MT Os result:)
im abit nervous lor:( if i could get b3, im contented le:) deardear can do it:) dun worry ok:) muackz muackz:) wish me and deardear luck ppl:) and good luck to all my friends:)
after study, we went to eat at LJS:) deardear got so many fries lor:( but i get to eat her fries:) hehes:)
i just cant stop loving her:) i will treasure her no matter wat:)
must chiong for prelim le, then Os:) jiayou jiayou:)
I love U deardear<3

Friday, July 27, 2007

sian ah:) nothing much happened this week lor:)
prelim is in 1 month time le:) i must start my revision le:) piggie also must start revising le hor:) i will help u de:) hehes:)
today we celebrate qiu advance birthday:) cos tml is her real birthday ma:) so we decided to celebrate her birthday by singing her a birthday song and a cake in the canteen during recess:)
b4 recess foo wu and i went to the FnN room to take the cake, then we place it in the canteen and wait for qiu to come:) hehes:)
by the time qiu mei come, there were alot of ppl in the canteen:) after lighting the candle, we begin to sing:) yeah:)
Happy birthday to U:)
Happy birthday to U:)
Happy birthday to Qiu Mei:)
Happy to U:) hehes:)
hmmm:) if im not worng i could heard ppl from the other end of the canteen singing along lor, or maybe its our echo:) hehes:) nvm:) after singing, qiu cut the cake and we distributed to our form and co-form teacher:)
then we distributed the rest of the cake among ourself:)
the cake very nice leh:) hehes:)

today didnt fetch piggie home wors:( cos i need to stay back to do my DnT:) but hor, i didnt do much lor:( tml going to the library wif deardear le:) yeah:)

Friday, July 20, 2007

ops:) sorry wors:) didnt update recently:) been busy wif my DnT:( sian ar:)
hmmm, i had my LC on monday:) quite difficulty lor:( hope that i can past:) hehes:) after LC i went to do my Dnt and home:)

Tuesday, when to do Dnt after sch then send deardear home:)

Wednesday, hehes:) deardear and dardar the second month:) hehes:) didnt do my Dnt but went to accompany my deardear:) hehes:) i love her:)

Thursday, i had my maths mock exam:) i got 75 out of 80:) hehes:) i didnt send deardear home wors:( cos i need to stay back and do my DnT:) and i cannot waste my time playing le:) must finish everything b4 20th of aug wors:( sian:)
must chiong le:)

Today:) i went to see arif and his gang member jam today:) they played very nice:) hmmm, after that i went to do my Dnt and meet deardear:) my day was really ruin by them. i was being treated like a dog. need to listen to watever they say. if it was not for the sake of deardear, i would had yelled at them already. really really dun pissed me off. if u can see this right, read it well, im not a dog, im a human, and im a guy who have dignity, plz respect me, if u wan me to respect u, u must first respect me. this is the second time already and if there's still a third time, i wont hesitate any longer.

sorry deardear:)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

hey:) i just had my MT oral:) not so bad lor:) i hope can pass ba:) hehes:)
oh ya:) i having my NT listening compre on monday:) must get full mark wors:)
must must must:)
must prepare for prelim le and must get good grades for my prelim wors:)
jiayou jiayou:) piggie also must jiayou alright:)

hmmm:) ytd we celebrated qiu mei's advance birthday at Vivo City:)
hehes:) at first, qiu, nat, steph, su, and cheryl went to bugis cos steph wan to collect something:) but dun know wat happened to them on the way to bugis and at bugis:) they said some guy disturb them when they were on the train:( the guy KP them and they KP back in the train:) hahas:) then at bugis steph cant collect her stuff, for dun know wat reason lor:( then they all so angry:) hahas:) hmmm:) maybe ytd was friday the 13 ba:) hehes:)

meanwhile, lao gao, marc, ahpeh and i met at cck:) at first we were surpose to meet at 4:30 de:( but marc need to wait for his mum ma:) so it was delay till 6:) but i get to spend time wif deardear:) hehes:) so, after meeting we took bus 188 to harbour front:) then walk to vivo:) ermm, ytd was my first time to there wors:) hehes:) when we were in vivo:) qiu said that they were at "forever 21" and we went to find it:) after walking 1 big big big round:) we ended up walking back to the same spot, where we started off:( hahas:) then i realised that, i read the map wrongly:) hehes:) psps:)

so we met up wif the girls:) hehes:) at first qiu wanted to eat at LJS:) i was ok wif it, cos this trip is organize for her ma:) hehes:) then we change it to swensen lor:) but it was too ex:) so we go find find find:) everyone were starving le:( but still cant find a place to eat:) in the end we found the restuarant called " The Mussel Guy" ,it serve western food:) we went in and order the set meal:) all of us ordered different dishes and i ordered beef spagetti:) very spicy lor:( so hot:( i drank 2 glass of water and a cup of lemon tea lor:) hehes:) but it taste very nice:) the beef was well cook:) not so hard or not so soft:) just nice:) hehes:) after eating we got our desert, since laogao didnt ordered the set meal wif us, the did not had the desert:( but he ordered a cheese cake lor:) waaaa:) so nice lor:) laogao let me try abit, and it taste very nice:) hehes:)

after eating we ask for the bill:) surprisingly, the bill was only $197 nia:) 9 of us only:) hehes:) after that, we went up to see the night view:) deardear say the night view very nice, so i went to see:) yup:) the view was very nice and very windy:) hehes:) i went to walk around, the place was so spacious and nicely decorated lor:) hehes:)
after viewing, we went home:) ahpeh, su, cheryl, qiu, laogao and marc took bus home, while nat, steph and i took MRT home:) hehes:) deardear pei to msg until i reached home wors:) muackz:)

today i went to lot 1 then meet deardear:) miss her lots lots wors:) our second month is coming le:) yeah:) muackz:)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

hey:) didnt update recently wors:) hahas:)
hmmm:) my mt oral is next week wors:( sian:(
but must jiayou wors:) oh ya:)
Ms fern gib us a compo to do wors:) deardear and her friends help me alot alot wors:) thank u thank u:) next time if i got work i comfirm will treat u all KFC de:) i promise:) hehes:)
today i went to jurong library wif deardear and her friends:) i think i got study ba:) i did Mr Teo maths and i also teach deardear and her friend:) hehes:)
teach them maths:) yeah:)
then i went lunch wif deardear at mac:) we ate MAC:) yeah:) i love sweet and sour sauce:) hehes:)
after eating we went back to the library to study for a while and fetch deardear home:)
tml must study again:) yeah:) i miss my piggie:)

Sunday, July 01, 2007

ops:) didnt update recently:) psps:) very busy wif sch work:)
hmmm:) i stay back everyday to do my dnt:) very touched wors:) deardear always stay back and wait for me:) muackz deardear:) deardear also sick wors:) hops she get well soon wors:)
from next week on, i might stay back even later le:( cos i wan to finish my dnt asap and concentrate on other subject:) piggy cannot play computer game le hor:) next week must stop playing le:) might not have time for deardear wors:( sorry deardear:) dun angry wors:) i know u will understand de:) muackz:)

oh ya:) today is marc de mother birthday:) happy birthday aunty:) and today is also deardear de didi birthday:) happy birthday PUIPUI:) hehes:)
this morning i went swimming wif my dad and didi:) hmmm:) got scolded by him lor:( sobsob:( bcos i swim til one end then stop, never continue:( after swimming, i went home use com then read book and talk to piggie:) hehes:) after which i went to West Mall wif my dad to change my hp plan:) yeah:) i got a student plan le:) tml got 1000 msg:) can msg wif deardear:) yeah:) hehes:)
so, after changing i went home rest a while then go to marcus house to celebrate his mum birthday:) he invited ahpeh, laogao and me:) we went to keat hong to eat:) although the place there abit hot but the food there taste quite nice:) hehes:) after eating, i went to marc place to cut cake and then go home:) yeah:)
oh ya:) tml going to meet deardear in the morning:) yeah:P