Sunday, July 01, 2007

ops:) didnt update recently:) psps:) very busy wif sch work:)
hmmm:) i stay back everyday to do my dnt:) very touched wors:) deardear always stay back and wait for me:) muackz deardear:) deardear also sick wors:) hops she get well soon wors:)
from next week on, i might stay back even later le:( cos i wan to finish my dnt asap and concentrate on other subject:) piggy cannot play computer game le hor:) next week must stop playing le:) might not have time for deardear wors:( sorry deardear:) dun angry wors:) i know u will understand de:) muackz:)

oh ya:) today is marc de mother birthday:) happy birthday aunty:) and today is also deardear de didi birthday:) happy birthday PUIPUI:) hehes:)
this morning i went swimming wif my dad and didi:) hmmm:) got scolded by him lor:( sobsob:( bcos i swim til one end then stop, never continue:( after swimming, i went home use com then read book and talk to piggie:) hehes:) after which i went to West Mall wif my dad to change my hp plan:) yeah:) i got a student plan le:) tml got 1000 msg:) can msg wif deardear:) yeah:) hehes:)
so, after changing i went home rest a while then go to marcus house to celebrate his mum birthday:) he invited ahpeh, laogao and me:) we went to keat hong to eat:) although the place there abit hot but the food there taste quite nice:) hehes:) after eating, i went to marc place to cut cake and then go home:) yeah:)
oh ya:) tml going to meet deardear in the morning:) yeah:P

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