Sunday, July 29, 2007

hey:) today i went jurong library wif deardear wors:)
hmmm:) today we went earlier than last week lor:(
but we still couldnt find a sofa to study:(
we were lucky to find a sofa lor:) hehes:) we begin to study:) yeah:)
today deardear did her maths and i did my history, maths and chem:)
oh ya:) i also lend my chem textbook to deardear:)

hmmm:) this thursday, everyone is gettting back their MT Os result:)
im abit nervous lor:( if i could get b3, im contented le:) deardear can do it:) dun worry ok:) muackz muackz:) wish me and deardear luck ppl:) and good luck to all my friends:)
after study, we went to eat at LJS:) deardear got so many fries lor:( but i get to eat her fries:) hehes:)
i just cant stop loving her:) i will treasure her no matter wat:)
must chiong for prelim le, then Os:) jiayou jiayou:)
I love U deardear<3

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