Friday, July 20, 2007

ops:) sorry wors:) didnt update recently:) been busy wif my DnT:( sian ar:)
hmmm, i had my LC on monday:) quite difficulty lor:( hope that i can past:) hehes:) after LC i went to do my Dnt and home:)

Tuesday, when to do Dnt after sch then send deardear home:)

Wednesday, hehes:) deardear and dardar the second month:) hehes:) didnt do my Dnt but went to accompany my deardear:) hehes:) i love her:)

Thursday, i had my maths mock exam:) i got 75 out of 80:) hehes:) i didnt send deardear home wors:( cos i need to stay back and do my DnT:) and i cannot waste my time playing le:) must finish everything b4 20th of aug wors:( sian:)
must chiong le:)

Today:) i went to see arif and his gang member jam today:) they played very nice:) hmmm, after that i went to do my Dnt and meet deardear:) my day was really ruin by them. i was being treated like a dog. need to listen to watever they say. if it was not for the sake of deardear, i would had yelled at them already. really really dun pissed me off. if u can see this right, read it well, im not a dog, im a human, and im a guy who have dignity, plz respect me, if u wan me to respect u, u must first respect me. this is the second time already and if there's still a third time, i wont hesitate any longer.

sorry deardear:)

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