Sunday, July 27, 2008

oh man. super lazy this few days. dun feel like updating my blog. hahas. plus, this week super sian. our class were given assg2 and assg 4. sian. sian, sian arrrrr. anyway heard from mark that our class will be combining wif 04 for hpd. hahas. lols. just hope that they will control themselves and dun add more pdi journal for us. oh ya. friday mark super good mood lor. talk about WOW. then talk about south park then laugh laugh laugh. i laugh not because it was funny. i laugh because the way he said was super funny and his expression also very funny. hahas. everyone was also saying he super good mood on friday lor. hahas.
stay happy my friends:)

oh ya, i super not happy about some things la. super unfair. i dun wish to tell mark cos his my classmate. so im going to write it here. yes, he had changed after the holiday. but i still dun like the things he had done. assg1, perspective and orthographic or a car. are we supposed to draw out or trace out? hmmm. then orthographic, are we supposed to trace that out too? i dun think so. wat about pdi journal, are we supposed to call others to do for us? at first i was super impressed wif his work la. but think about it and see for urself, u will realise that this drawing is not drawn by him. dun believe call him to draw in front of u. i dun believe his able to do it.

anyway, sat celebrated qiu advance birthday at keat hong park. hahas. very fun and happy. super fun and peaceful:) b came also. hehes. i ate alot la, especially hotdogs. hahas. dun know y also. maybe i have not been eating hotdogs for months. hahas. we drink during midnight lor.
hmmm. i drank only 3/4 bottle of heniken nia. surprisingly i dun feel much different. hahas. should have drank more. here are some of the photo we took. quite blur la. sorry wors:)

birthday girl:)

sorry ppl. still got photo haven upload. arghh. damn busy man. i gtg and do my vtds and hpd liao:)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

waa. so long never update le. sorry ppl. had been super duper busy lately. but im kind of relief, for now:) anyway. i haven finish my cadd1 assg 1. pdi journal still got 12 more entry. sian. we will get our assg4 next week. furthermore, next week will be my IAC presentation. wth man. sian.
anyway. we only had 2 hours of lesson on tuesday, so most of the class decided to come early and do our form. yup. most of us finish on tues and we presented our sculpture on wed. dun know whether my presentation was good. sian. thursday i had my iac and commt. oh ya. i had a 2 mins speech on commt also. hahas. lols. tried my best already. and ytd was also another tiring day la. we had to hand in our cars and lappy drawings lor. shading and shadowing was needed too, orthographic view also need. anyway, my orthographic was found in the net, but they didnt gib me the perpective view of the car, so i draw the car just wif the help of the orthographic. hahas. stupid right. i know i know. had dinner wif kim and head home to take a very good rest. hahas.
today leh, didnt went out, just slack de whole day man. hahas. but i guess im going to swim wif my dad later. hmmm. today must swim 8 laps. hahas. 4 frog style, 2 front crawl, 2 butterfly. set set. hahas:)
anyway, im sorry for the delay of the photo. haven recieve or i should say i cancel steph share folder because i thought it was a virus. hahas.
ya thing had change, some of my friends are changing too. have i changed???

Saturday, July 12, 2008

arghh. i still got tonnes of photo haven update. ala damn it. sentosa pics, gor graduation pics, and today pics. will update all in one asap de:)
today lesson as per normal. had vtds today. very very very sian la. today i say wrong thing, kind of offended mark then he bua song and plus 3 for our pdi journal:P hahas. its not the end yet, so we guys were talking and amos didnt know that mark was in the class, so he said very loudly, knnb ccb ar-.- when he realise mark was actually in the class, it was too late. its too late. mark went up to the board and wrote plus 5 again!!!! arghhh. which means, we need to have 10 more drawings in pdi journal by next week. wth la. sian sian. after vtds, almost half of the class pon engmec. hehes. but i didnt ok. guai man. but after i submit my hw i rush back home to prepare, cos i need to head to sp for regent culture night. paid 10 bucks for the ticket, but i didnt watch much cos i rather talk to my secondary sch teacher. hahas. nice nice. really nice lor. miss those days when we are all in sch. go around the sch find trouble, help my friends to see water while they smoke in the toilet, throw water bomb down to the parade square. hahas. miss those day. anyway went to eat at 302 and head home after that:) tml must do my assg3:( siannn
will update pics asap:) sorry:)

my eyes was searching for u de whole time, dun know y...

Friday, July 04, 2008

another week had pass. ya. sian also. im down wif more assignments and drawings.
today amos brought his deck:) yeah yeah. hasnt been playing it for years. hahas. thanks amos. hmm. i think so of my classmates were surprise ba. cos they were surprised that a person like me do skate:) hahas. yes i do. wahahas. did alot of olli just now also. my olli is better than last time lor. last time cannot jump at all lor. today i manage to bring the skateboard up in the air and land perfectly:) hahas. cool right. lols. went home after lesson lor:) sian sian sian....

anyway, saw our VTDS grade today. rather disppointed than contentment. contentment, abit, but, its frustrated to see grades like F and F. felt sad for my classmates. however its not over yet and i believe anyone who listen to wat he said today will do something about it. now its too late to score, so i rather u all do ur work and hand in as soon as possible. we never know wat he is thinking. but it seems like he hated the whole class. alot alot. i can tell that, he would rather be the advisor for 1P01. yes, i respect him alot and i wan to learn alot from him. im not flattering him, but his really good. i know u will read this cher, i hope u can see who is trying their best and who is not. there are some who really try and put in tonnes of effort while some just dun gib a damn. i myself can see who is trying too. so, pls be magnanimous. im just saying how i feel, no hard feeling, if u are not happy about it, im sorry, but this is a personal account and i can write anything cher. i just dun wan to see some of my classmates to quit this course because of this module. hope that, u wont because of this and deduce my marks. everyone do respect u:)