Saturday, July 12, 2008

arghh. i still got tonnes of photo haven update. ala damn it. sentosa pics, gor graduation pics, and today pics. will update all in one asap de:)
today lesson as per normal. had vtds today. very very very sian la. today i say wrong thing, kind of offended mark then he bua song and plus 3 for our pdi journal:P hahas. its not the end yet, so we guys were talking and amos didnt know that mark was in the class, so he said very loudly, knnb ccb ar-.- when he realise mark was actually in the class, it was too late. its too late. mark went up to the board and wrote plus 5 again!!!! arghhh. which means, we need to have 10 more drawings in pdi journal by next week. wth la. sian sian. after vtds, almost half of the class pon engmec. hehes. but i didnt ok. guai man. but after i submit my hw i rush back home to prepare, cos i need to head to sp for regent culture night. paid 10 bucks for the ticket, but i didnt watch much cos i rather talk to my secondary sch teacher. hahas. nice nice. really nice lor. miss those days when we are all in sch. go around the sch find trouble, help my friends to see water while they smoke in the toilet, throw water bomb down to the parade square. hahas. miss those day. anyway went to eat at 302 and head home after that:) tml must do my assg3:( siannn
will update pics asap:) sorry:)

my eyes was searching for u de whole time, dun know y...

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