Friday, July 04, 2008

another week had pass. ya. sian also. im down wif more assignments and drawings.
today amos brought his deck:) yeah yeah. hasnt been playing it for years. hahas. thanks amos. hmm. i think so of my classmates were surprise ba. cos they were surprised that a person like me do skate:) hahas. yes i do. wahahas. did alot of olli just now also. my olli is better than last time lor. last time cannot jump at all lor. today i manage to bring the skateboard up in the air and land perfectly:) hahas. cool right. lols. went home after lesson lor:) sian sian sian....

anyway, saw our VTDS grade today. rather disppointed than contentment. contentment, abit, but, its frustrated to see grades like F and F. felt sad for my classmates. however its not over yet and i believe anyone who listen to wat he said today will do something about it. now its too late to score, so i rather u all do ur work and hand in as soon as possible. we never know wat he is thinking. but it seems like he hated the whole class. alot alot. i can tell that, he would rather be the advisor for 1P01. yes, i respect him alot and i wan to learn alot from him. im not flattering him, but his really good. i know u will read this cher, i hope u can see who is trying their best and who is not. there are some who really try and put in tonnes of effort while some just dun gib a damn. i myself can see who is trying too. so, pls be magnanimous. im just saying how i feel, no hard feeling, if u are not happy about it, im sorry, but this is a personal account and i can write anything cher. i just dun wan to see some of my classmates to quit this course because of this module. hope that, u wont because of this and deduce my marks. everyone do respect u:)

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