Tuesday, June 19, 2007

yeah yeah:) deardear tml coming back le:) cant wait for her to call me and msg me:) i miss miss miss miss miss her lots lots lots:( kept thinking of her wors:(
sobsob:( must gib her a huge hug when i see her:)
hmmm:) maybe i should see whether she will hug piggy a not:) i dun do the first move better:) hehes:) ops:)

today go back to sch and do d&t again:) then i go jamming again:)
yeah:) fun fun:) today arif and shiek came too:) im very impressed wors:)
shiek play drum very very good:) fast and steady:) hehes:) must call him to teach me sia:) yup:) i played too:) hehes:) very fun:) tml going to play again:)
after playing, i went back to d&t room to pack up my stuff and went to meet ah peh, su min and qiu:) oh ya:) they ordered pizza:) nice:) we ate in the canteen and talk talk:) went home after that:)
btw:) Mr kamar ordered the classT le:) yeah:) 18 buck wors:) hehes:) its a kappa brand, maroon in colour de:)

ohohoh:) i wear the ring the whole day wors, only sometime then i take out, cause i dun wan to dirty or scratch it:) sorry ar:)

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