Monday, April 27, 2009

wooo. thanks baby for uploading our first month ani photo:)
kind of busy because sch reopen. damn sian. and its our second week already. damn fast
most of my modules are new module, damn interesting, however, i just dont like 1 of the module leader. his a good lecturer, but his teaching method is damn old fashion la. damn bored. and after every video he show us, we need to do a mind map and a report of 2 to 4 page. wtf man.
anyway, celebrated my first month with HUANG YITING:) hmmm, had class from 8 to 12 supposingly. but the lecturer let us off at 930. damn early la. shiok. so i went to baby house straight after class. took bus 67 there. reach her place and sleep. hahas. shiok. baby aircon like 24 hours lor. shiok lor.
woke up around 1 plus and baby and her sister was preparing already. her mum cooked for them and after their lunch they said they were going to be late. so we cab down to tp. hahas. reached tp and baby went for her lesson while i wait for her outside class. waited for 3 hourss sia. cool right. baby came out of class after 3 hours and i was kind of pissed. hahas. sorry ah. so, walked to bus stop accompany yilin home and went PS with baby:) head to pizzahut since baby had craving for it:) after eating, we walked around and walked to cathay. some things happened, but im not angry about it:) exchange our gift and i fetched baby home:) baby kiss me goodbye and said she love me:) so nice right:) went home after that.

watched 17 again on sat with baby at vivo. a very fun day lor. hahas. but the movie ruin everthing la. behind us were a row of ang moh la. b4 the show start they had irritated almost everyone i guess. and during the show they were also irritating. damn cb. i shouted ccb, then baby say they dont understand. anyway, when the movie ended, i shouted lj ang moh ccb. everyone look at me lor. damn paiseh. and baby was at there laughing like mad-.-
anyway, walked around vivo and fall for a shirt. damn nice lor:( tempting to buy sia. but too ex le. took bus 188 back to cck and brought baby around lot1. baby wanted to buy cotton stuff lor. but she dont want to waste money. hahas. had dinner with qiu after that day at subway. after dinner 3 of us had a small group talk outside lot 1:) a scary topic lor. wont say much:)

ok time to go to bed:) im tired and i need to wake up at 630am. wtf. sch start at 8 la. siannn.
missing you
my love:D

ohoh, last but not least, i was thrown down from baby bed by baby. wat a great strength she had. damn strong la. i was disturbing then she push push push then i fly down. damn scary la.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

first month anniversary photos

the presents (:
at pizza hut (: baby, i help you post photo le ! (: haha

by: TING (:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009



wink wink
your baby, HUANG YITING here ! (:
surprise right? :D
must be touched okay?
and hope you will love my gift for you.

yes yes yes i know you're smiling ! :D
I'm so in love with my boyfriend. <3>

Sunday, April 19, 2009

went over to baby house early in the morning:) went there to continue my sleep. hahas. damn tired la. hahas. work up around 12 plus and baby went to prepare while i played her wii. i brought my game to baby house to play. damn funny la. hahas. before going out, baby mother came back and i chatted with her for awhile:) left her place at 1 and headed to orchard hotel to do some survey:) and i will be given 20 bucks just to do that survey. damn shiok la. the survey is about F&N grapes lor. they give me try to drink the ask me to rank. then ask me to compare which drink is better. then when im done they give me 2o bucks. shiok right.
after doing wanted to go take my pay from chandra, then he say he forget-.- oh well, we all got use to it. wanted to catch a movie at vivo, and qiu called and said she will be working at centrepoint today. so, we went to bought a drink at starbucks and plan our activites for today. recieved a call from steph and got scolded by her. sorry ah:)
walked to wheellock to see whether the sakae sushi at there got the buffet a not. turn out that the buffet is only available on weekdays. damn sian. so we walked all the way from wheellock to centrepoint to find qiu:) chatted with her awhile and we decided to go to cineleisure for movie:) reached there and check the timing:) decided to catch fast and furious 4. surprisingly, the ticket we purchase was 8 bucks each la. it was the manager who give us the discount la. all thanks to baby:) because she used to work there. hahas.
went up immediately and catch the movie. hmmm. some parts of the movie got link to the first few episode ba. the show ended nicely. the show finish at 5 plus and we decided to meet qiu steph and sumin.
before reaching, i saw my cousin la. damn coincidence la. not 1 cousin but 2 lor. lucky my the other cousin didnt saw me. hahahahas. reach there and the girls had long john while we watch them eat. after they finish their lunch the girls went to smoke and qiu went back to work, while the rest of us went to sakae at parkmall. walked all way to there lor. hahas. before reaching, i saw alicia:) hahas. reached there and found out that the outlet at parkmall got the buffet lor. shiok sia. went in and started eating. but i dont know y we didnt eat much lor. hahas. finished our dinner at 9 and walked to parklane with baby:) love the nightwalk with baby la. love disturbing her lor. hahas. sorry:) walked to the bus stop and bus with her to her house bus stop while i continue my journey to novena and trained home. reached home around 11 and watch tv:)

hmm, sch reopening tml which means we can lesser time to meet:) i wont let this relationship drift apart. will try all my best to make you happy:) love you lots baby:) will be having our first anniversary tml:) hehes.

meet up with qiu sumin and steph today to buy some stuff:) not going to update much until tml:P bleah:P:P:P:P:P

will upload more photo once i recieve from baby:)

its been a week since i last updated. damn busy this week. i shall start summarize what had happened this week:)
baby came over my place on monday, played guitar hero sia. she knows how to play la. wth. but not as good as me. wahahahas. slacked at my place til 3 plus and i went to prepare for dinner at fish and co. hahas. foowu said he was wearing formal and i wear formal too. went out around 4 and took 190. meet up with them and bused to city hall and walked to bugis. baby didnt like bugis street, but she still went in with us. so good right. muacks. walked around at bugis didnt buy anything. ohoh. bought the iced milo for baby. slacked awhile and decided to head towards parkmall Fish and CO. called yilin along, and since we had to wait for her, we decided to go play pool. played for an hour and we walked to parkmall. freaking weather damn hot la. keep sweating. i think we took the wrong way to there lor and we reach FnC at 9 and went to book the seats. place our order and started chatting:) when the food came, baby said she was not feeling well and feel like vomiting la. in the end she only ate 1 quarter of her dinner. damn wasted lor. but no choice also. had a fast dinner and baby cabbed home with her sister. while the rest of us took 190 home.

went to work at 7am. reach raffles and saw alot of police and heard from the banquet that our PM was here. went up 5th floor and was told to help the chief for that day western lunch. wanted to go for lunch break and that stupid supervisor cancel our lunch. wtf. he said the western lunch started already and we cant go for lunch-.- soon, we started washing and i was told to go to main kitchen to do station. surprisingly, baby and her sister was at that side and i get to see her. hahas. shiok lor. can disturb her all the way. hahas. the lunch finished at 2 and closed my station and went up to help them wash. ohoh, b4 i went up, i drop one whole stack of gaublet la. pussy neh neh. i was laughing when the whole stack drop onto the floor. most of the gaublet was smashed in pieces la. sweep up everything and went up to 5th floor and help. finish everything around 5 and waited til 6 plus. we were told to knock off at 8, but i went off early because baby had been waiting for me since she knocked off at 4. waited at the security til 7 and baby came in with her sister to accompany me. good right. thanks thanks. knocked out at 7 and decided to go up to raffles foodcourt because baby want to eat her pepper lunch. had pepper lunch together with baby while her sister had mango pudding. first time ate pepper lunch and i dun know wat to do la. lucky got baby help. hahas. chatted til 9 and i send them to the bus stop and rush over to meet ahpeh and the rest. took 190 home:D

baby came over in the morning. meet her at yew tee and da pao breakfast home. time passes damn fast la. slept all the way until i recieve call from foo wu that im working at orchard hotel. wanted to go prawning with baby, but ended up going to work. had dinner with baby and fetched baby to bishan and went to orchard. changed into my stewarding uniform and went up. reported to chandra and he said he only key in 3 people but 4 came. at that point of time, foowu decided to give his pay to me. means he will not be working from 7 to 11. so good of him la. took 1am transport home and baby waited for me again. so good right. hahas.

woke up around 12 plus, changed and went to work. reached, changed and headed to B2 store to look for jermlyn. slack at the store until jermlyn suddenly said he want to buy fan from my mum for his family store. called my mum and discuss about the price and we headed to my mum office. damn funny la. bought the fan and went to his store and his house. slack awhile and headed to a swiss family, which our hotel catered. work all the way from afternoon til 11 plus. went back hotel and wash everything. took 130 transport home. and i fucking reach home at 3. cb van-.-

took parents car to do some stuff at the bank with my mum. after which, my dad fetch me to baby place. didnt went up but went to buy breakfast for her family. went up and went to sleep again. damn tired can. hahas. slack at baby place until her dad came back. left baby house at 2 plus and headed to work. celebrated ah khang birthday that day. we prepared the cake and waited for aunty to came up. surprised her with the cake and she said she was touched lor. didnt saw baby much but heard from ahpeh that her sister keep saying CB CB CB CB:) damn funny la. hahas. baby came up to see me b4 she go home and stayed awake til i reached home.

Monday, April 13, 2009

yeah yeah. baby is back from tioman. been busy recently. i guess. busy meeting up wif baby. hahas. didnt meet up wif baby on friday lor. damn sad. anyway.

woke up around 7am on sat morning, followed dad's car to baby house early in the morning. watched digimon together then went to sleep. hahas. since we cant sleep i decided to disturb her sister. surprisingly, her sister was awake la. cool. slack at her place while baby went to prepare. persuaded yilin to tag along due to her hunger and craving for subway, but she say she dont want to be a lightbulb. before going out, baby's mum came back. greeted her and went out. went to untied square for subway, ordered baby favourite cheese steak toasted with double cheese and pepper followed by honey mastard and southwest.
headed down to wisma to fix baby lappy due to some technical problem. waited for our queue number,145. told the lady about our problem and she said the lappy can be collected the fastest by thursday. dont be sad baby. hahas.
after sending the laptop for repair, we headed down to cine to catch movie. watched shinjuku incident. the show was nice, but some disappointment. no fighting scene:( only cutting and shooting. hahas.
the movie ended at 6:10:) went down to meet yilin and kehyih because they also catching a movie at cine. they bought ticket for us. they wanted to eat, but it seems like we did not have much time. so went up to get free popcorn. hahas. ohoh, we watched knowing.
this movie is nice man. serious and best recommanded. damn thrilling and noisy. hahas. stupid speaker!!! it was just above us la. damn loud can. i need to cover half of my ears lor. the movie ended around 9 plus, went outside cine and thinking of places to eat. in the end, went back into cine to eat BK. hahas. slack and chat at BK till 11 and headed home. accompany baby and her sister to novena and trained home.

dont think so much alright.
cause i love you just the way you are:)


Wednesday, April 08, 2009

have not recieve any message from baby:( it makes me worry like hell. had been looking at my phone for every 5 to 10 mins since morning, hoping that my baby msg me. cant stop thinking about her. i was so happy when i saw 1 message recieve, however it was not from baby:(

anyway, went to work this morning wif ahpeh. went to orchard hotel warehouse to collect some stuff. collect till 11 plus and headed back to hotel to do some slacking work. ended work at 4 and headed back to lot1 then sunshine place. yes, i can say that sunshine place had lots of memories, however waiting and worrying for my baby msg makes me didnt bother so much about that place. been worrying for my baby for all the time. hope shes having fun and safe. reached sunshine around 530 to meet lewis, played at the lan shop til 730 and headed to the coffee shop and slack:) went home after that to catch channel 8 drama. lols.

im still waiting for my baby to msg me:(

going back to regent sec to help noel in her DnT. hope to see ting tml:) i miss you alot alot alot alot alot alot:'(

day 2:) baby went to tioman for 2 days already. hope shes having fun over there. hahas. i guess:P
went out with steph today to peninsular:) wanted to buy those 3 quarter sleeve t shirt. went into a shop and try on the shirt. was tempting to buy, however that stupid sale bangala damn damn damn act dao. chi bye bangala, lucky bangala dont go blog hopping. so they dont get to see this:) hahas. i ask him whether got smaller size then he just shake his head and dont even look at me. damn cb. in the end, i didnt bought anything but a capo for my guitar:) hahas.

anyway, went bugis after that, walk wif steph to buy her stuff:) she bought 2 bottom and 1 dress. siao lor. i didnt buy anything lor. hahas. after shopping, we walked all the way from bugis to park mall lor. we were sweating la. took bus 171 and meet up with foowu and qiu at bukit timah, beauty world. went up to the food court near shell, and started ordering food. peh ordered stingray, gan gong, bbq wings, satays:) damn alot, but great food:) will bring baby there to eat one day. order beer for myself and sugarcane for the rest:) ate and chat till 10 and headed back to lot1:) slacked awhile and wave goodbye to them:)

ohoh, i almost forget, i bought a 3 quarter shorts:)

and and and
heard from baby that some of her friends read my blog??? read and never tag. hahas.

off to watch my heroes:) its out guys. heroes season 3 episode 22. just dont understand y isnt it season 4:) hahas.

Monday, April 06, 2009

went over to baby house ytd:) met her at novena and went novena square to rent dvd:) wanted to rent IP MAN but we went to buy the dvd instead. hahas. after that, baby told me that the bubble tea at there was nice and we went to try:) its nice lor:) hahas. really really really. took bus 131 to baby house:) reached her house said hi to her family. baby cooked pasta for me sia sia sia. so good. didnt help her much, just keep disturbing her. hahas. ate lunch wif her , her sister and brother. after lunch played dota at her brother room while she went to pack. soon, baby friend came, slowly slowly 2 more came. played MJ and slack in her room until dinner was ready:) ate pork rib porriage:) damn nice ok. thanks aunty. hahas. slack awhile and we all went down to buy some snack. after buying, slack and eat those snack at a void deck while waiting for alina. fetched her friend and headed home for more MJ:)

played a few more rounds and we watch IP MAN. seriously nice show and good kung fu:) hahas. after watching it was around 3 plus. all of us turn by turn took our shower and prepared. since i was not going, i sat at the sofa and watch everyone packing:) directed uncle the way to bukit panjang plaza where their pick up point was:)

while waiting for the bus to come, spend most of my time together wif baby:) dun bear to let her go la. should had go wif baby. but its too late. anyway, the bus came and she got onto the bus wif her friends. wave goodbye and trained home while baby accompany me to talk on the phone til her phone dont have any signal:) so sweet right:) im touched.

i will wait for you<3

Saturday, April 04, 2009

wooow:) its been a long time since i last updated. been very busy recently. busy working and busy accompany my girl:) but she's going off to tioman soon. I WILL MISS YOU. hahas. ok let me recap wat happened this week:)

hmmm. went out wif baby on monday. we went to cine to catch a movie:) wanted to watch street fighter, but her friend said it wasnt that nice and baby wanted to watch hotel for dogs, but i dont wan. hahas. so, we ended up watching mall cop. hmm. the show was nice and funny:) just the clumsiness makes it funny. anyway, before the show start, baby was telling me about some haunted toilet and corridor at cine, cos she used to work there. hahas. i wanted to tell her my hotel story then she dont wan to hear. nvm lor. show started at 3 and watch til 4 5 plus. slacked at mac to decide where to go next. took some photo at the mac:)

after having a long long discussion, we decided to go vivo city:) walked to PS and trained to vivo. when we reach there, we realised there was a huge crowd at the lobby. hmm, we went to take a look and it was advertising jacky chan latest movie and we found out that jacky will be there late during the night. didnt stay long and headed up to the roof:) find a good spot and starting chatting:) chat photo chat photo chat until it rains:) hahas. we decided to have our dinner and headed down to subway. while going down, we heard damn damn alot of noise la. beacause, jacky was here:) damn happening, people were running lor. we managed to squeeze in and took A photo only, cos baby photo cant zoom much. sian. stayed awhile and headed to subway:) after eating fetch baby home and then my home:)

went to work on tuesday, baby was at there too. hahas. nth much happened lor.

baby came over my place, didnt do much either:) ohoh, my dad was at home that day:) and and and and and baby cooked porriage for me sia:) so touched even though it was instant porriage:) hahas. fetched her to yio chu kang around evening time:)

rot at home:D

baby came my house again:) hahas. i overslept la. sorry. reached my house and i cooked noodles for her:) so good right. i know. hmmm, didnt do much either, just slack, talk, take photo lor.
haha. played guitar also:) around 4 plus we went to LJS to have late lunch. send her to cck to take 190 and headed home:)

hmm. a week went over just like that. isnt it fast:) hahas. have a safe trip baby:)

will upload more pics soon:) hahas.
will meet up wif steph on tuesday for shopping:)