Sunday, April 19, 2009

its been a week since i last updated. damn busy this week. i shall start summarize what had happened this week:)
baby came over my place on monday, played guitar hero sia. she knows how to play la. wth. but not as good as me. wahahahas. slacked at my place til 3 plus and i went to prepare for dinner at fish and co. hahas. foowu said he was wearing formal and i wear formal too. went out around 4 and took 190. meet up with them and bused to city hall and walked to bugis. baby didnt like bugis street, but she still went in with us. so good right. muacks. walked around at bugis didnt buy anything. ohoh. bought the iced milo for baby. slacked awhile and decided to head towards parkmall Fish and CO. called yilin along, and since we had to wait for her, we decided to go play pool. played for an hour and we walked to parkmall. freaking weather damn hot la. keep sweating. i think we took the wrong way to there lor and we reach FnC at 9 and went to book the seats. place our order and started chatting:) when the food came, baby said she was not feeling well and feel like vomiting la. in the end she only ate 1 quarter of her dinner. damn wasted lor. but no choice also. had a fast dinner and baby cabbed home with her sister. while the rest of us took 190 home.

went to work at 7am. reach raffles and saw alot of police and heard from the banquet that our PM was here. went up 5th floor and was told to help the chief for that day western lunch. wanted to go for lunch break and that stupid supervisor cancel our lunch. wtf. he said the western lunch started already and we cant go for lunch-.- soon, we started washing and i was told to go to main kitchen to do station. surprisingly, baby and her sister was at that side and i get to see her. hahas. shiok lor. can disturb her all the way. hahas. the lunch finished at 2 and closed my station and went up to help them wash. ohoh, b4 i went up, i drop one whole stack of gaublet la. pussy neh neh. i was laughing when the whole stack drop onto the floor. most of the gaublet was smashed in pieces la. sweep up everything and went up to 5th floor and help. finish everything around 5 and waited til 6 plus. we were told to knock off at 8, but i went off early because baby had been waiting for me since she knocked off at 4. waited at the security til 7 and baby came in with her sister to accompany me. good right. thanks thanks. knocked out at 7 and decided to go up to raffles foodcourt because baby want to eat her pepper lunch. had pepper lunch together with baby while her sister had mango pudding. first time ate pepper lunch and i dun know wat to do la. lucky got baby help. hahas. chatted til 9 and i send them to the bus stop and rush over to meet ahpeh and the rest. took 190 home:D

baby came over in the morning. meet her at yew tee and da pao breakfast home. time passes damn fast la. slept all the way until i recieve call from foo wu that im working at orchard hotel. wanted to go prawning with baby, but ended up going to work. had dinner with baby and fetched baby to bishan and went to orchard. changed into my stewarding uniform and went up. reported to chandra and he said he only key in 3 people but 4 came. at that point of time, foowu decided to give his pay to me. means he will not be working from 7 to 11. so good of him la. took 1am transport home and baby waited for me again. so good right. hahas.

woke up around 12 plus, changed and went to work. reached, changed and headed to B2 store to look for jermlyn. slack at the store until jermlyn suddenly said he want to buy fan from my mum for his family store. called my mum and discuss about the price and we headed to my mum office. damn funny la. bought the fan and went to his store and his house. slack awhile and headed to a swiss family, which our hotel catered. work all the way from afternoon til 11 plus. went back hotel and wash everything. took 130 transport home. and i fucking reach home at 3. cb van-.-

took parents car to do some stuff at the bank with my mum. after which, my dad fetch me to baby place. didnt went up but went to buy breakfast for her family. went up and went to sleep again. damn tired can. hahas. slack at baby place until her dad came back. left baby house at 2 plus and headed to work. celebrated ah khang birthday that day. we prepared the cake and waited for aunty to came up. surprised her with the cake and she said she was touched lor. didnt saw baby much but heard from ahpeh that her sister keep saying CB CB CB CB:) damn funny la. hahas. baby came up to see me b4 she go home and stayed awake til i reached home.

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