Monday, April 06, 2009

went over to baby house ytd:) met her at novena and went novena square to rent dvd:) wanted to rent IP MAN but we went to buy the dvd instead. hahas. after that, baby told me that the bubble tea at there was nice and we went to try:) its nice lor:) hahas. really really really. took bus 131 to baby house:) reached her house said hi to her family. baby cooked pasta for me sia sia sia. so good. didnt help her much, just keep disturbing her. hahas. ate lunch wif her , her sister and brother. after lunch played dota at her brother room while she went to pack. soon, baby friend came, slowly slowly 2 more came. played MJ and slack in her room until dinner was ready:) ate pork rib porriage:) damn nice ok. thanks aunty. hahas. slack awhile and we all went down to buy some snack. after buying, slack and eat those snack at a void deck while waiting for alina. fetched her friend and headed home for more MJ:)

played a few more rounds and we watch IP MAN. seriously nice show and good kung fu:) hahas. after watching it was around 3 plus. all of us turn by turn took our shower and prepared. since i was not going, i sat at the sofa and watch everyone packing:) directed uncle the way to bukit panjang plaza where their pick up point was:)

while waiting for the bus to come, spend most of my time together wif baby:) dun bear to let her go la. should had go wif baby. but its too late. anyway, the bus came and she got onto the bus wif her friends. wave goodbye and trained home while baby accompany me to talk on the phone til her phone dont have any signal:) so sweet right:) im touched.

i will wait for you<3

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