Monday, April 27, 2009

wooo. thanks baby for uploading our first month ani photo:)
kind of busy because sch reopen. damn sian. and its our second week already. damn fast
most of my modules are new module, damn interesting, however, i just dont like 1 of the module leader. his a good lecturer, but his teaching method is damn old fashion la. damn bored. and after every video he show us, we need to do a mind map and a report of 2 to 4 page. wtf man.
anyway, celebrated my first month with HUANG YITING:) hmmm, had class from 8 to 12 supposingly. but the lecturer let us off at 930. damn early la. shiok. so i went to baby house straight after class. took bus 67 there. reach her place and sleep. hahas. shiok. baby aircon like 24 hours lor. shiok lor.
woke up around 1 plus and baby and her sister was preparing already. her mum cooked for them and after their lunch they said they were going to be late. so we cab down to tp. hahas. reached tp and baby went for her lesson while i wait for her outside class. waited for 3 hourss sia. cool right. baby came out of class after 3 hours and i was kind of pissed. hahas. sorry ah. so, walked to bus stop accompany yilin home and went PS with baby:) head to pizzahut since baby had craving for it:) after eating, we walked around and walked to cathay. some things happened, but im not angry about it:) exchange our gift and i fetched baby home:) baby kiss me goodbye and said she love me:) so nice right:) went home after that.

watched 17 again on sat with baby at vivo. a very fun day lor. hahas. but the movie ruin everthing la. behind us were a row of ang moh la. b4 the show start they had irritated almost everyone i guess. and during the show they were also irritating. damn cb. i shouted ccb, then baby say they dont understand. anyway, when the movie ended, i shouted lj ang moh ccb. everyone look at me lor. damn paiseh. and baby was at there laughing like mad-.-
anyway, walked around vivo and fall for a shirt. damn nice lor:( tempting to buy sia. but too ex le. took bus 188 back to cck and brought baby around lot1. baby wanted to buy cotton stuff lor. but she dont want to waste money. hahas. had dinner with qiu after that day at subway. after dinner 3 of us had a small group talk outside lot 1:) a scary topic lor. wont say much:)

ok time to go to bed:) im tired and i need to wake up at 630am. wtf. sch start at 8 la. siannn.
missing you
my love:D

ohoh, last but not least, i was thrown down from baby bed by baby. wat a great strength she had. damn strong la. i was disturbing then she push push push then i fly down. damn scary la.

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