Wednesday, September 27, 2006

in the morning:)
i played basketball wif cheng wei, foo, marc, qing:) after playing:)
3 police cars, 1 police van came to our sch:)
police came and held up 13 ppl:)
its like de whole sch is full of police, and de purpose is to catch 13 pupil who vandalise a classroomT_T"
its really very lame, as many police came just to solve this problem:)
but it seem like some expensive item were stolen:(
so:) other than this, nth much happened ytd:)

hmm.. i got back my chem paper:)
surprisingly:) i got 39.5 out of 50:) hehes:)
but, im still not happy wif it:(
because my combine sci got 72 out of 100:(
i was hoping to get an A for that:)
nvm nvm:)
i will study harder to get an A1 for conbine sci:)
wish me luck ppl:)
this few days there isnt much lesson going on:(
some teachers went 4 course, so we were like having free period 4 de whole day:)
it seem to be a good thing, but my N is just next week:(
and everyone is still slacking:(
maybe miracle could happened:)
so:) after sch:) i waited 1 hour 4 riha and brought her to yew tee:)
and i went home:)
today nth much happened either:)
in the morning:)
i played basketball wif cheng wei, foo, marc, qing:) after playing:)
3 police cars, 1 police van came to our sch:)
police came and held up 13 ppl:)
its like de whole sch is full of police, and de purpose is to catch 13 pupil who vandalise a classroomT_T"
its really very lame, as many police came just to solve this problem:)
but it seem like some expensive item were stolen:(
so:) other than this, nth much happened ytd:)

hmm.. i got back my chem paper:)
surprisingly:) i got 39.5 out of 50:) hehes:)
but, im still not happy wif it:(
because my combine sci got 72 out of 100:(
i was hoping to get an A for that:)
nvm nvm:)
i will study harder to get an A1 for conbine sci:)
wish me luck ppl:)
this few days there isnt much lesson going on:(
some teachers went 4 course, so we were like having free period 4 de whole day:)
it seem to be a good thing, but my N is just next week:(
and everyone is still slacking:(
maybe miracle could happened:)
so:) after sch:) i waited 1 hour 4 riha and brought her to yew tee:)
and i went home:)
today nth much happened either:)
in the morning:)
i played basketball wif cheng wei, foo, marc, qing:) after playing:)
3 police cars, 1 police van came to our sch:)
police came and held up 13 ppl:)
its like de whole sch is full of police, and de purpose is to catch 13 pupil who vandalise a classroomT_T"
its really very lame, as many police came just to solve this problem:)
but it seem like some expensive item were stolen:(
so:) other than this, nth much happened ytd:)

hmm.. i got back my chem paper:)
surprisingly:) i got 39.5 out of 50:) hehes:)
but, im still not happy wif it:(
because my combine sci got 72 out of 100:(
i was hoping to get an A for that:)
nvm nvm:)
i will study harder to get an A1 for conbine sci:)
wish me luck ppl:)
this few days there isnt much lesson going on:(
some teachers went 4 course, so we were like having free period 4 de whole day:)
it seem to be a good thing, but my N is just next week:(
and everyone is still slacking:(
maybe miracle could happened:)
so:) after sch:) i waited 1 hour 4 riha and brought her to yew tee:)
and i went home:)
today nth much happened either:)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

ah boon got this BBQ:) he invited me and i went:)
the BBQ starts at 5 but i went at 3, hope that i could help them in some ways:)
at 4 plus:) me, solo, cheng wei help ah boon's dad to set up de bbq pit:)
after setting up, we waited 4 de fire to ready and meanwhile we wait 4 everyone to come:)
soon:) everyone came except patrick:) so without waiting, we started bbqing:)
so.. when i was about to get some drinks:) i saw patrick, and he brought along wif him:)
alize, jeslynn, jia min, mei yin, and another girl:(
immediately, i change to another person:( i became quite, and pulled a long face:(
Mei yin was my ex gf, and we had already broke up for 5 months plus:(
when i saw her, i will start thinking about the past:( just hate it:(
so patricia seem to be pissed off and shouted to patrick, why u bring them come:(
patrick didnt talk back and went to sit wif them..
a while later, all de girls went back:( i guess they heard wat patricia said ba:(
so, all de girl go to de nearest bus stop and went off:)
but after that, patricia told patrick to call them come back:(
b4 they came back:) me, cheng wei, solo, marc, and foo went to talk wif patrick:)
when they came back, we walk away and pretended that we didnt know each other:)
so, one whole group had became into 2 group:(
no one talks to de opposite group:(
they went off after that:)
the bbq was great even wif the exist of "them":)

nth happened much:)
i went swimming wif my dad:)
after that i went to my grandmother house:)
at my grandmother house, i played pool, sing karaoke, and played a game of mj:)
quite fun too:)
when i went home:)
i prepared 4 my monday lesson:)

today when i woke up:)
it started to rain heavily:(
so i went sch wearing slipper and my shoes is inside my bag:)
today in sch:)
nth much happened:)
i got back my D&T paper and A math paper:)
D&T B3:)
A math A1:)
so, after sch, something happened outside our sch:)
alot of ppl came:(
but i didnt know wat happened anyway:)
will ask my friends tml:)

Friday, September 22, 2006

didnt update my blog ytd cause im studying 4 my prelim:)
ytd i got my physic paper:) the paper doesnt seem that hard:)
so after my paper:) i went to lim bang mac wif lao gao, foo, marc, ray:)
before going there, me, foo, marc, chengwei had eaten in sch le:)
so, it turn out that we had to wait 4 rayson to finish up his breakfast at mac:)
after mac, we, as usual, went to play lan:)
this time we played for 2 hour:) so after playing:) everyone went out to "eat sweet"
while i stay inside:) after they had eaten, they came in and started to disturb yi heng:)
he was playing wif maple:) and dun know wat happened:)
ray, qing and marc decided to go disturb him:)
so.. after disturbing:) qing suddenly said that, he wanted to play another 1 hour:)
eventually, everyone went to play another hour:)
and we play a total of 3 hour ytd:)
after playing i went home and studied 4 my d&t paper:)

i had my d&t paper:) this is de paper that i hate the most:( the paper is quite tough:(
just hate it:) so after de paper:) me, foo and chengwei went to eat:)
after eating we went to swim at de swimming complex:) when we were about to go out of sch:)
it started to rain:( shit man:) but luckily de rain doesnt seem to be that big and we had to wait 4 everyone to arrive:) so me, chengwei and foo wait 4 half and hour and qing came:)
after that, we waited 4 another half an hour 4 marc to come:)
when everyone arrived:)
we went swimming:) weeeeeee:)
today we had alot of fun swimming together:)
really enjoyed ourselve:)
so after swimming we went to play lan again:( sian:) hahas:)
im going to rest de whole day today:)
just a reward 4 myself:) cause my exam is over:)
but not N lvl:( hais:)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

i had not been updating my blog since sunday:)
ermm.. let me recap wat happened on monday:)
during monday:)
i had my e math paper:)
ermm.. de paper doesnt seem hard or seem easy:)
so so:)
so after my math paper:) i can go home:) but i didnt:)
i stay and went recess wif my friends:)
during recess:)
foo when to speak to ron and ask him whether he wan to let that previous matter of:)
he agreed and after that, foo wanted ron to apologize to me as that time he scolded vulgarities to me which concern about my parents:)
at first ron did not want to apologize and he claim that, y should he apologize to me:)
but after talking wif foo, he apologize:)
after sch:) we went to play lan as usual:)

i had my chem paper:)
the paper was quite easy:) not so difficult:) but there's some challenging qns:)
after de paper we went to lim bang mac and we went to play lan again:)
after playing, i went to mac and waited 4 steph and nat to come:)
cause they got some math qns to ask:)
i felt very disappointed sia:( when they ask me question, i just couldnt explain to them:(
sorry nat:) sorry steph:)
after that:) i went home and prepared 4 my a math paper:)

i had my e math paper 2:) sad to say:) that paper is really very tough:(
i nearly give up that paper:( after e math:) i went to had my a math paper:)
good to say:) that paper is much more easier:) cause my e math is O lvl standard while my a math is N lvl standard:)
there is alot of differents:)
after my a math:) i went to play lan again:)
after playing i went to looked 4 noel and went to blah house:)
cause today is cheryl ma birthday and i need to pass present to her:)
after giving, i went home and studied 4 my tml paper:)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

this morning, i went swimming wif my dad and didi:)
i had finally master de basic skill called "BUTTERFLY ":)
its not as easy as u imagine:)
its really very hard:) even though i had learn how to swim that style:)
im still not as pro as my dad:) hehes:)

after swimming, i brought my didi to cut his hair, and
i went to study wif my gor and his gf at de CC:)
even though i went to CC for 4 hours, i only study about 3:)
during that 1 hour, i went to de basketball court to see ppl play and did some business in de toilet:)
after studying, i went to eat dinner wif my gor while his gf went home to had her dinner:)
when we had our dinner, we went home and i started to watch tv:)
guess im too engross to television le ba:)
tml im having my math prelim, but dun know y im still slacking:)
wish me all de best:)

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sian Sian Sian.........
nth much happened today:)
ermm... i went to lim bang mac and study today:)
me, qing, marc, ray, foo, and su were there:)
Mr Tan was there too, he came there to make a last revision 4 ray, qing, and marc:)
so mr tan is doing revision,while me and su is revising for our monday math paper:)
foo came later, and we talk and study together:)
after 3 hours of revision, mr tan went back and we when to play lan:)
Just now, me, ray, qing lose to marc and foo in dotA:)
both marc and foo were so good lor, just dun know y i so noob:)
so, after playing, i went back to mac and study while foo and marc went home:)
at first i was thinking of studying till 6:30:)
and lewis came wif qiu eventually:)
but it turns out that i was playing "tai ti" wif lewis, qing, and qiu at 6:)
hahas:) got influence by them:) i guess:)
i went home at 6:30:) and had a light dinner:)
maybe i will start studying again at 10:)

Friday, September 15, 2006

nth much happened ytd:)
today during recess, had some problem encountered:)
while me, foo, marc, cheng wei walking toward the toilet, we saw this ass call "ron"..
he was walking in front of us and swinging his arms as though he was very big..
then, i walked fast and swing my arms even higher than him and walk pass him..
as i walked pass him my hand hit his hand accidentally..
immediately he came into de toilet and pushed me and said why i hit him..
it was accidentally and i was just playing but just dun know y his so fuck up today:)
so, marcus & everyone was there and marcus talk to him:)
after that, ron use his "position" and he was trying to claim that he is in power and we r useless..
WTF lor:) fuck him man...
next, foo, me, marc were arguing wif him, however i apologize to him..
cause gentleman do so..
and foo wu told him to apologize too, but he say:" why should i?"
fuck him man... he thinks that his so big and act big fuck..
but at last he still quitely walk out of the toilet..
speechless i guess..

so, after that thing, me , foo, marc, chengwei, qing decided to go disturbed all de classes:)
when u reach to class 1-2, marc suddenly shouted:" waa.. why that teacher look like student one?"
and all of us started laughing loudly and even class 1-2:)
so we went touring around de sch:)
we had lots of fun:) hahas:)

after sch, we decided to play lan at lim bang, i played 1 hour as i need to go somewhere after that:)
after playing, i went to meet noel and blah:)
we went to fareast plaza to buy Cheryl ma birthday present:)
so, noel and blah was choosing quite a number of shorts but i just dun know wat to choose:(
i just dun know wat do girls like..
but in the end, i still choose the first shorts that noel recommanded and bought it:)
before i want to buy i told noel to try on, cause her size is almost de same as cheryl..
but i just dun know y she doesnt want to try:)
so, after persuading her 4 a long time, she finally decided to go and try..
i bought it eventually:)
as we were going back home, this noel look very very bua song....
and i ask her, u not happy wif me ar.. as i was quite picky in choosing stuff..
but she said that she's very tired:)
dun know whether shes lying:)
i guess not:)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

ermm... i went to sch as normal nth much happened:)
just felt very funny that n lvl is coming and all my classmates are slacking:)
some were sleeping while some were playing wif chinese chess:)
im kind of slackng too:(
just dun know y im still in a playing mood:)
after sch, i went to limbang to play com wif qing,marc,foo,su, and xiu hui:)
guess im addicted to DotA, has been playing most of the week:)
really dun know how to stop and concentrate on my studies:(
fuck man:(

furthermore, i had been talking on de phone wif my friends lately:)
and my mum is kind of not happy about it:)
i guess shes just afraid that i might have another relationship again:(
im just talking to my female classmates but really dun know what my mum dislike about it:(
she scolded me ytd night as i was talking to nat on de phone:)
just hope that my mum will gib me some freedom when im talking on de phone:)

ytd night.. while i was watching jin shan shun my dad ask my brother to put his bag against de wall as it was blocking de path 4 us to walk:)
then, my brother gib this fucking look to my father, and my dad scolded him..
despite the scolding, my brother still stared hard at my dad:(
and because of this he made my mother on de verge of crying without knowing it:(
y cant he just apologize.. izit that hard to say???
its our parents after all.. they scold us is 4 our own good..
i just hope that my brother knows how to think and knows wat he had done ytd.......

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

this is my very first blog:) just hope that u will tag along wif me:)
im a secondary school student and im here to share my joy and sadness together wif all of u:)


my neighbour got in trouble wif an ass wipe:)
that ass wipe thinks that he is a big fucking gangster:)
that guy turns out to be a sec 1 boy:)
sec 1 leh:)
balls also haven grow hair yet then act like a big fuck:)

back to that situation:)

so:) my neighbour told his brother and his brother called that asswipe:)
despite talking nicely to that ass wipe:)
that ass wipe talk to my neighbour very rude:)
full of vulgarities..
talk big..
act big..
thinks that his balls are very big..

fuck him man..
in the end..
that ass hole dun know how to settle wif him zhong..
even after settling wif my neighbour.. he still wanted agreement to be done..
f*** his lao p** lao B* ar..
this settle in the end:)

just sec 1 then want to find problem:)