Sunday, September 24, 2006

ah boon got this BBQ:) he invited me and i went:)
the BBQ starts at 5 but i went at 3, hope that i could help them in some ways:)
at 4 plus:) me, solo, cheng wei help ah boon's dad to set up de bbq pit:)
after setting up, we waited 4 de fire to ready and meanwhile we wait 4 everyone to come:)
soon:) everyone came except patrick:) so without waiting, we started bbqing:)
so.. when i was about to get some drinks:) i saw patrick, and he brought along wif him:)
alize, jeslynn, jia min, mei yin, and another girl:(
immediately, i change to another person:( i became quite, and pulled a long face:(
Mei yin was my ex gf, and we had already broke up for 5 months plus:(
when i saw her, i will start thinking about the past:( just hate it:(
so patricia seem to be pissed off and shouted to patrick, why u bring them come:(
patrick didnt talk back and went to sit wif them..
a while later, all de girls went back:( i guess they heard wat patricia said ba:(
so, all de girl go to de nearest bus stop and went off:)
but after that, patricia told patrick to call them come back:(
b4 they came back:) me, cheng wei, solo, marc, and foo went to talk wif patrick:)
when they came back, we walk away and pretended that we didnt know each other:)
so, one whole group had became into 2 group:(
no one talks to de opposite group:(
they went off after that:)
the bbq was great even wif the exist of "them":)

nth happened much:)
i went swimming wif my dad:)
after that i went to my grandmother house:)
at my grandmother house, i played pool, sing karaoke, and played a game of mj:)
quite fun too:)
when i went home:)
i prepared 4 my monday lesson:)

today when i woke up:)
it started to rain heavily:(
so i went sch wearing slipper and my shoes is inside my bag:)
today in sch:)
nth much happened:)
i got back my D&T paper and A math paper:)
D&T B3:)
A math A1:)
so, after sch, something happened outside our sch:)
alot of ppl came:(
but i didnt know wat happened anyway:)
will ask my friends tml:)

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