Wednesday, September 27, 2006

in the morning:)
i played basketball wif cheng wei, foo, marc, qing:) after playing:)
3 police cars, 1 police van came to our sch:)
police came and held up 13 ppl:)
its like de whole sch is full of police, and de purpose is to catch 13 pupil who vandalise a classroomT_T"
its really very lame, as many police came just to solve this problem:)
but it seem like some expensive item were stolen:(
so:) other than this, nth much happened ytd:)

hmm.. i got back my chem paper:)
surprisingly:) i got 39.5 out of 50:) hehes:)
but, im still not happy wif it:(
because my combine sci got 72 out of 100:(
i was hoping to get an A for that:)
nvm nvm:)
i will study harder to get an A1 for conbine sci:)
wish me luck ppl:)
this few days there isnt much lesson going on:(
some teachers went 4 course, so we were like having free period 4 de whole day:)
it seem to be a good thing, but my N is just next week:(
and everyone is still slacking:(
maybe miracle could happened:)
so:) after sch:) i waited 1 hour 4 riha and brought her to yew tee:)
and i went home:)
today nth much happened either:)

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