Monday, December 03, 2007

hey hey:) didnt update for months wors:) hehes:) very very busy lately:)
firstly, Os over le, and everyone is waiting for their result wors:) good luck ppl:)
secondly prom night also over le:) hmmm, quite fun and my baby bacame the prom princess wors:) muackz baby:)

our prom night photo wors:)

oh ya:) if u all wan to see more prom night photo, u can go nat blog to see:) im to lazy to copy and paste:P

thirdly, our class chalat was over recently:) very fun wors:) cos baby was wif me the whole time:) hehes:) i organize a BBQ during the first night wors:) the food was nice:) during the second night, i fetch baby from the chalat to downtown east wors:) hehes:)although it was quite tiring, but i love fetching baby:P hehes:) btw, thanks to shavin wors:) ya:) i took some photo wif baby wors:)

dardar and deardear<3
piggy and piggie<3

muackz muackz:)

lastly, yup yup:) all of us had found a job wors:) hehes:) yeah:) but my time shift is different from my baby:( im sorry baby:( i will try my very best to meet up wif u de:( ahpeh, linsei, marc and i are currently working at swisshotel:) we now working in the stewarding department wors:) so fun lor:) everyday can eat sharkfin:P hehes:) but im kind of grew fatter wors:(

toilet break:)

yup:) finish update le:) baby have u read finish:P i love u:)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

must update le wors:) hehes:)
hmmm:) i got my prelim results le, not so good:( deardear the result also not that good:) but i will help her in everything:) im the only one who can help her other than her teacher le:)
oh:) friday after fetch deardear home, i went to fetch her again to go keat hong:) we went to a playground to candle and sparkle lor:) hehes:) cheng wei, chong wei and i use the sparkle to make rocket wors:) sadly, all of them didnt fly lor:) hehes:) so si bai:) hahas:)
then after which i play blind mice wif them lor, eh, it was my first time lor:) i cant catch them until chong wei fall down:) hahas:) but slowly slowly i know how to play:) then after which, all of them demo to us how to play crocodile:) hahas:) so fun lor:) lao gao was the catcher, and within 5 sec, he caught shavin:) hahas:) then when it was shavin turn, he didnt run up to the playground but ran around the playground just to catch ah choon:) hahas:) so funny lor:) everyone was like running round and round and round around the playground lor:) so after which, the girls join in except deardear:) hahas:) very fun lor:) after that round, i drag deardear to join in lor, but by then a police car came:( so, immediately, i called deardear to run:) oh ya, i didnt help her to take her slipper lor:) ops:) hehes:) after running away from the police, julinda caught up wif us:) then after recieving the call from qiu, we went back to the kopi tiam:) hehes:) im surprise lor:) i apologize to deardear, bcos i cause her to run away from the police and i thought she will be unhappy lor:) but, she didnt, she said it was exciting lor:) hahas:) so, i fetch deardear home after that and i went home to study and then watch channel U til 1:30:) hehes:)
ytd, study the whole day lor:) ok la:) not study the whole day la:) hehes:) ermm:) didnt went out anyway:) ohoh:) i watch 3 movies ytd:) i watch, the exorcism of emily rose, final destination 3 and the ghost rider:) hehes:) i watch the first 2 movies like alot of time le lor:) hehes:)
today, i had been studying the whole day:) hehes:) hmmm:) i told deardear to read through her chem cos i wan to test her:) hope that this method can improve her chem lor:) must must help deardear le:)
oh:) someone got some problem wif her friends wors:( sobsob:(
wont elaborate any further:)
but i can say 1 thing:)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

hey:) so long never update le wors:) hehes:)
ehh:) kind of lazy to update:)
hmmm:) i had 1 week of holiday and my second part of the prelim had started:)
yeah:) 3 more papers to go le:) then my Os:) jiayou jiayou:)
i had my A maths paper 1 and 2:) hmmm:) paper one was alright lor:) but paper 2 was a disaster:) hahas:) so difficult lor:( sobsob:)
ohoh:) i got back my ss and history paper le:(
hmmm:) i passed but it was a just pass:) hehes:)
must jiayou jiayou le:) i must get a B for my ss and history:) hehes:)

hmmm:) tml i will have my maths paper 2 le:) must chiong chiong chiong le:) hehes:)

Sunday, September 02, 2007

celebrated teacher's day on friday wors:) de performance were nice:) hahas:) oh:) i gib the shoes to mr kamar and gib the sunflower to ms fern:) hope they like it wors:) hehes:)
during the night, we went to meet da jie wors:) hehes:) oh ya:(
stupid ppl:( i was the one who organise this thing, and due to dajie sore throat, this event was not confirm until thursday night:( and they think that i didnt inform them, and they were not happy about it:( fuck them man:(
they didnt got the right inform and started blaming me for not telling them:(
da jie was not feeling well ma, then it was not comfirm:( then on friday, they gib me attitude:( wats their fucking problem, its not my fault right:( am i in a wrong??? i got my Dnt to rush, exams to study, and teacher's day present to be bought:( last time you all go out also never call me along, but did i gib u all attitude????
no right!!! you all should look into the mirror to see wat u all had done b4 doing something:(
ytd, i stayed a home de whole day lor:) so guai right:) hehes:) i didnt even step outside my house lor:) ytd i ate pizza for dinner:) so nice:) hehes:) the pizza we ordered was called the new Rosemary chicken Cheesy bites fondue:) hehes:) so nice lor:)
today i went to swimming wif my dad and didi then went to meet deardear in the afternoon and then went out wif my parents:)
weekend is going to be over le:) must start mugging for exam again:) jiayou ppl:)

i love piggie lots:)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

hey:) time to update le:) yeah:)
ohohoh:) i got 3 good good news wors:)
firstly, my first part of the prelim is over:) yeah:)
secondly, i finish my DnT artifact and folio le:) hehes:) yeah:)
lastly, i got more time to pei deardear le:)
hmmm:) i had my english paper, ss and history paper, maths paper 1 and DnT paper:) hehes:)
sorry for the late update wors, had been mugging for prelim and doing my DnT folio:) hehes:)
oh ya:) tml is teacher's day, so i decided to collect 5 buck from the whole class and buy a gift for mr kamar and ms fern:)
today i went to queensway wif nat to buy a pair of shoes for mr kamar:) then when to lot 1 to buy ms fern gift:) hmmm:) i got nag nag nag nag by my mum lor:) sobsob:) but she's cute lor:) hehes:)

oh ya:) today got a small problem wors:( sorry wors:) i love you lots baby:) muackz:) oh:) thank you wors:) thank u for singing to dardar:) so cute:) muackz:)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

time to update le:) hehes:)
oh ya:) i got back my mt result:( sian lor:( i got B4:( b4 leh:( sian:(
i will retake and get a better result:)
hmmm:) this week got nth much happened:) ermm:) my artifect is due ytd:)
and i chiong the whole day, but is still not done yet:( sobsob:)
today i went back to do my artifect:) yeah yeah yeah:) my artifect is working:) hehes:) im so so so happy lor:) my dustbin is moving:) hehes:)
oh ya:) i also did my maths june paper le:) hmmm:) quite easy leh:) hehes:)
hmmm:) dun know will get how much leh:)

ohohohoh:0 happy third month deardear:) muackz muackz:)
today deardear waited for me outside the sch bus stop wors:) im so touched:)
she went to my house, to practise oral wif me:) cos my oral is on tuesday:( sobsob:) wish me luck ppl:)
we study study study lor:) hehes:)

prelim is coming le:) must start studying le:)
practise oral:)
chiong finish my DnT:)
chiong prelim:)
pei pei pei pei deardear:)
must must must:)
i will get the target i wan for my Os de:)
everyone will get the target they wan de:) jiayou:)

Friday, August 10, 2007

hey:) ytd was national day wors:) hehes:) didnt went out lor, but i didnt abit of study and play com:)
oh ya:) nothing happened much on monday, did my chem mock prac then stay back for dnt and i got my physic mock exam on tuesday:) hehes:)
wednesday was our national day celebration:) there was a parade and followed by a concert:) the concert was okok lor:) ohoh:) we got second in position for our class donation:) hehes:) so, mr kamar and i was told to go up on stage:) waaa:) very very paiseh lor, so many ppl looking at me:) after the concert, i stayed back for my dnt, then went to meet deardear:) she was playing block catching wif her friends, then play ice man:) hahas:) i played wif them too:)

today, i went back to do my dnt:) mr kamar said the workshop is opening til 12, then open again at 2:) i did my artifect til 12, then went to had lunch wif foo wu, su min, peggie and yoke lian:) hahas:) everyone ate chicken rice, but i ate nasi briyani:) nice nice:)
after eating we went back for dnt:) i didnt do my artifect lor:( mr kamar asked some of us to clear away the past year artifect:) so we did lor:) oh ya oh ya:) we had a lot of fun at that time:) we get to destroy all the artifect lor:) we throw, step and use others artifect to smash some artifect:) so fun lor:) hehes:)
after helping, i went use the com for a while:) ops:) hehes:) then went to clean the workshop and go home:)

yeah:) tml going library wif piggie le:) hehes:)

Saturday, August 04, 2007

hey hey:) its time to update le:) yeah:) hehes:)
hmmm, this week quite busy wors:( cos my date line for dnt is next week:( sobsob:(
so i got lesser time to accompany deardear:) sorry wors:)
hmmm:) ytd we went to Kbox to celebrate qing yuan birthday:) hehes:)
i was in a bad mood bcos i cant stay at the kbox until so late and some of my friends had not reached:(
eventually, they came:) so, we went in and ordered some drinks and food:) hehes:) i sang alot ytd wif qing yuan and su min:) hehes:) foo wu wanted me to sing a song, so i sing lor:) hehes:) i hope he like it wors:)
hehes:) soon, they went to buy vokka and drink:) after drinking the first bottle, they went to bought the second and the third:) hehes:)
hmmm:) ytd nat face was so so so red:) hahas:) foo wu face was also red:) so, in the end, ray and laogao were drunk, while the rest are still ok:) hahas:)
ohoh:) they also kena screen by police lor:) but nth happened in the end:) hehes:)

today deardear woke up late wors:) so cute lor:) when she called me in the morning, the first thing she said was " sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry" hahas:) cute lor:) muackz:) so i met her at lot 1 and went to the library:) we didnt had any sofa wors:( so we end up sitting on the floor and study:( hehes:) today got a small quarrel wif deardear:( sorry deardear:) dun angry ok:) hmmm:) i just love spending time wif deardear:) hehes:)
after that, we went to LJS to eat again:) hehes:) awww:) today deardear didnt get a free upsize:) sadsad:)

next week need to finish up my dnt le:) deardear dun sad ok:) thankz for ur understanding wors:) woaiiaiiaiiniibaobei:)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

hey:) today i went jurong library wif deardear wors:)
hmmm:) today we went earlier than last week lor:(
but we still couldnt find a sofa to study:(
we were lucky to find a sofa lor:) hehes:) we begin to study:) yeah:)
today deardear did her maths and i did my history, maths and chem:)
oh ya:) i also lend my chem textbook to deardear:)

hmmm:) this thursday, everyone is gettting back their MT Os result:)
im abit nervous lor:( if i could get b3, im contented le:) deardear can do it:) dun worry ok:) muackz muackz:) wish me and deardear luck ppl:) and good luck to all my friends:)
after study, we went to eat at LJS:) deardear got so many fries lor:( but i get to eat her fries:) hehes:)
i just cant stop loving her:) i will treasure her no matter wat:)
must chiong for prelim le, then Os:) jiayou jiayou:)
I love U deardear<3

Friday, July 27, 2007

sian ah:) nothing much happened this week lor:)
prelim is in 1 month time le:) i must start my revision le:) piggie also must start revising le hor:) i will help u de:) hehes:)
today we celebrate qiu advance birthday:) cos tml is her real birthday ma:) so we decided to celebrate her birthday by singing her a birthday song and a cake in the canteen during recess:)
b4 recess foo wu and i went to the FnN room to take the cake, then we place it in the canteen and wait for qiu to come:) hehes:)
by the time qiu mei come, there were alot of ppl in the canteen:) after lighting the candle, we begin to sing:) yeah:)
Happy birthday to U:)
Happy birthday to U:)
Happy birthday to Qiu Mei:)
Happy to U:) hehes:)
hmmm:) if im not worng i could heard ppl from the other end of the canteen singing along lor, or maybe its our echo:) hehes:) nvm:) after singing, qiu cut the cake and we distributed to our form and co-form teacher:)
then we distributed the rest of the cake among ourself:)
the cake very nice leh:) hehes:)

today didnt fetch piggie home wors:( cos i need to stay back to do my DnT:) but hor, i didnt do much lor:( tml going to the library wif deardear le:) yeah:)

Friday, July 20, 2007

ops:) sorry wors:) didnt update recently:) been busy wif my DnT:( sian ar:)
hmmm, i had my LC on monday:) quite difficulty lor:( hope that i can past:) hehes:) after LC i went to do my Dnt and home:)

Tuesday, when to do Dnt after sch then send deardear home:)

Wednesday, hehes:) deardear and dardar the second month:) hehes:) didnt do my Dnt but went to accompany my deardear:) hehes:) i love her:)

Thursday, i had my maths mock exam:) i got 75 out of 80:) hehes:) i didnt send deardear home wors:( cos i need to stay back and do my DnT:) and i cannot waste my time playing le:) must finish everything b4 20th of aug wors:( sian:)
must chiong le:)

Today:) i went to see arif and his gang member jam today:) they played very nice:) hmmm, after that i went to do my Dnt and meet deardear:) my day was really ruin by them. i was being treated like a dog. need to listen to watever they say. if it was not for the sake of deardear, i would had yelled at them already. really really dun pissed me off. if u can see this right, read it well, im not a dog, im a human, and im a guy who have dignity, plz respect me, if u wan me to respect u, u must first respect me. this is the second time already and if there's still a third time, i wont hesitate any longer.

sorry deardear:)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

hey:) i just had my MT oral:) not so bad lor:) i hope can pass ba:) hehes:)
oh ya:) i having my NT listening compre on monday:) must get full mark wors:)
must must must:)
must prepare for prelim le and must get good grades for my prelim wors:)
jiayou jiayou:) piggie also must jiayou alright:)

hmmm:) ytd we celebrated qiu mei's advance birthday at Vivo City:)
hehes:) at first, qiu, nat, steph, su, and cheryl went to bugis cos steph wan to collect something:) but dun know wat happened to them on the way to bugis and at bugis:) they said some guy disturb them when they were on the train:( the guy KP them and they KP back in the train:) hahas:) then at bugis steph cant collect her stuff, for dun know wat reason lor:( then they all so angry:) hahas:) hmmm:) maybe ytd was friday the 13 ba:) hehes:)

meanwhile, lao gao, marc, ahpeh and i met at cck:) at first we were surpose to meet at 4:30 de:( but marc need to wait for his mum ma:) so it was delay till 6:) but i get to spend time wif deardear:) hehes:) so, after meeting we took bus 188 to harbour front:) then walk to vivo:) ermm, ytd was my first time to there wors:) hehes:) when we were in vivo:) qiu said that they were at "forever 21" and we went to find it:) after walking 1 big big big round:) we ended up walking back to the same spot, where we started off:( hahas:) then i realised that, i read the map wrongly:) hehes:) psps:)

so we met up wif the girls:) hehes:) at first qiu wanted to eat at LJS:) i was ok wif it, cos this trip is organize for her ma:) hehes:) then we change it to swensen lor:) but it was too ex:) so we go find find find:) everyone were starving le:( but still cant find a place to eat:) in the end we found the restuarant called " The Mussel Guy" ,it serve western food:) we went in and order the set meal:) all of us ordered different dishes and i ordered beef spagetti:) very spicy lor:( so hot:( i drank 2 glass of water and a cup of lemon tea lor:) hehes:) but it taste very nice:) the beef was well cook:) not so hard or not so soft:) just nice:) hehes:) after eating we got our desert, since laogao didnt ordered the set meal wif us, the did not had the desert:( but he ordered a cheese cake lor:) waaaa:) so nice lor:) laogao let me try abit, and it taste very nice:) hehes:)

after eating we ask for the bill:) surprisingly, the bill was only $197 nia:) 9 of us only:) hehes:) after that, we went up to see the night view:) deardear say the night view very nice, so i went to see:) yup:) the view was very nice and very windy:) hehes:) i went to walk around, the place was so spacious and nicely decorated lor:) hehes:)
after viewing, we went home:) ahpeh, su, cheryl, qiu, laogao and marc took bus home, while nat, steph and i took MRT home:) hehes:) deardear pei to msg until i reached home wors:) muackz:)

today i went to lot 1 then meet deardear:) miss her lots lots wors:) our second month is coming le:) yeah:) muackz:)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

hey:) didnt update recently wors:) hahas:)
hmmm:) my mt oral is next week wors:( sian:(
but must jiayou wors:) oh ya:)
Ms fern gib us a compo to do wors:) deardear and her friends help me alot alot wors:) thank u thank u:) next time if i got work i comfirm will treat u all KFC de:) i promise:) hehes:)
today i went to jurong library wif deardear and her friends:) i think i got study ba:) i did Mr Teo maths and i also teach deardear and her friend:) hehes:)
teach them maths:) yeah:)
then i went lunch wif deardear at mac:) we ate MAC:) yeah:) i love sweet and sour sauce:) hehes:)
after eating we went back to the library to study for a while and fetch deardear home:)
tml must study again:) yeah:) i miss my piggie:)

Sunday, July 01, 2007

ops:) didnt update recently:) psps:) very busy wif sch work:)
hmmm:) i stay back everyday to do my dnt:) very touched wors:) deardear always stay back and wait for me:) muackz deardear:) deardear also sick wors:) hops she get well soon wors:)
from next week on, i might stay back even later le:( cos i wan to finish my dnt asap and concentrate on other subject:) piggy cannot play computer game le hor:) next week must stop playing le:) might not have time for deardear wors:( sorry deardear:) dun angry wors:) i know u will understand de:) muackz:)

oh ya:) today is marc de mother birthday:) happy birthday aunty:) and today is also deardear de didi birthday:) happy birthday PUIPUI:) hehes:)
this morning i went swimming wif my dad and didi:) hmmm:) got scolded by him lor:( sobsob:( bcos i swim til one end then stop, never continue:( after swimming, i went home use com then read book and talk to piggie:) hehes:) after which i went to West Mall wif my dad to change my hp plan:) yeah:) i got a student plan le:) tml got 1000 msg:) can msg wif deardear:) yeah:) hehes:)
so, after changing i went home rest a while then go to marcus house to celebrate his mum birthday:) he invited ahpeh, laogao and me:) we went to keat hong to eat:) although the place there abit hot but the food there taste quite nice:) hehes:) after eating, i went to marc place to cut cake and then go home:) yeah:)
oh ya:) tml going to meet deardear in the morning:) yeah:P

Saturday, June 23, 2007

hey:) today go celebrate my dad's birthday:) yeah:)
happy birthday papa:) love u:)
hmmm:) morning when for my D&T:) yeah i go workshop le:) hehes:)
actually, i going to meet deardear de, but i cant go off that time:(
cause mr kamar wan to me to cut something:( sorry deardear:(
thanks for the understanding anyway:) muackz:)
i miss deardear lots lots wors:( hais hais:(
after my D&T i went to United Square to meet my parents for dinner:)
the place was called the Shen Zhong Liang Jie:) hehes:)
the food there taste quite nice:) hehes:)
so after eating i went to buy cake for my dad:) hehes:)
oh ya:) when we were buying cake, there was this lady who was selling durian kept shouting " one dollar ar one dollar":)
waaa:) very irritating lor:) hehes:) so, my didi was beside me at that time and she shouted again:) then i shouted back "SHUT UP LA":) hehes:)
my didi was laughing and told my brother:) hehes:)
when we were going out of the shop, we walk passed the lady but she didnt shout le:) hehes:)

sian ar:( deardear friend was unhappy wif me:( hais:( i wrote a comment to her to apologize lor:( she write me back one but it sound unpleasant:( sian:( bad mood ar:( hais:( i wrote another comment to her le:( nvm la:) she forgive or dun forgive, i dun care le la:( at least i apologize:) next time try not to talk to her liao:( i guess , i will try not to talk to all of her friends ba:( later provoke them again, dun know wat they will say about me:( scary scary:( i will keep my mouth close whenever i see them or wif them:) zip zip:)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

yeah yeah:) deardear tml coming back le:) cant wait for her to call me and msg me:) i miss miss miss miss miss her lots lots lots:( kept thinking of her wors:(
sobsob:( must gib her a huge hug when i see her:)
hmmm:) maybe i should see whether she will hug piggy a not:) i dun do the first move better:) hehes:) ops:)

today go back to sch and do d&t again:) then i go jamming again:)
yeah:) fun fun:) today arif and shiek came too:) im very impressed wors:)
shiek play drum very very good:) fast and steady:) hehes:) must call him to teach me sia:) yup:) i played too:) hehes:) very fun:) tml going to play again:)
after playing, i went back to d&t room to pack up my stuff and went to meet ah peh, su min and qiu:) oh ya:) they ordered pizza:) nice:) we ate in the canteen and talk talk:) went home after that:)
btw:) Mr kamar ordered the classT le:) yeah:) 18 buck wors:) hehes:) its a kappa brand, maroon in colour de:)

ohohoh:) i wear the ring the whole day wors, only sometime then i take out, cause i dun wan to dirty or scratch it:) sorry ar:)

Monday, June 18, 2007

yeah:) happy 1st month deardear:) muackz muackz:) we are together for 1 month le:) hehes:) i love u:)

hmmm:) today i went to sch in the morning for my D&T:) hehes:)
sadly i didnt draw anything at all wors:( sad sad:(
but i went jamming at the gym room wif rendra and farhan:)
they were playing guitar while i played the drum:) hehes:)
i never played drum b4, but i envy those who know how to play:)
so i anyhow play lor:) and rendra abd steph taught me how to play:)
hehes:) very fun:) i learn alot wors, thankz guys:)
hmmm:) tml going to play the drum again:) yeah:) hehes:) fun fun:)
after playing, i went to do abit of drawing, then go home:)

today the was the final episode of the YUAN DIAN:) hmmm:)
tingli managed to escape from yucheng:) and she's living wif jianing:)
and jianing became hua kang the chairperson:) hehes:) but she and tie tou got some problem wors:) while yucheng is still wanted, and he knew that jianing is the chairperson:) so, yucheng went to look for jianing and brought her to the rooftop they alway go:) tie tou came too and three of them were at rooftop:)
there was a conflict, and jianing fell, but she was saved by tie tou:) in the end, both guys fell from the roof, tie tou fall into lorry where there were bed in it while yucheng fall onto the ground:(
yucheng died eventually, but b4 he died he did a will:) to gib his eye dun know wat to tingli:) because he promise her to let her see the world again:) hehes:)
so tie tou and jianing together:) yeah:)
the end:)

Sunday, June 17, 2007

hey:) today is father's day:) yeah:)
happy father day papa:) muackz:)
hmmm:) today went swimming in the morning, then went to eat tim sum wif my family:)
after which, i went to cut my hair:( sobsob:)
then went to gym to meet foo wu and solo and go swimming again:) hehes:)
after swimming, i went home and went to see my grandma at TTC hospital wif my family:)
then we went to United Square and eat:) yeah:) we went to this japanese restuarant, which was called the Genki Sushi:) hmmm:) we ordered quite alot of food:) i ate sushi, ramen, salmon, chicken:) ahh:) nice nice:) hehes:)
the bill was about 90+++ lor:) ex sia:) hehes:) after eating we went home:) yeah:) home home:)

oh ya:) ytd right, lao gao bought the drink "Anything" and i guess the correct drink:) hehes:) at first i didnt think that im lucky or wat:) so, when we were about to go home, marcus bought "Whatever" and i got the drink correct again:) cool man:) immedately, i called my mum to buy 1805:) cause 1805 was the day when me and deardear were together:)
ytd night, 1058 came out lor:) waaa, very happy:) hehes:) but hor, my mum didnt buy that number:( sian:( if my mum bought ibet hor, comfrim tio le lor:(
hahas:) hmmm:) im lucky:)

today second day:( deardear still at malaysia:( i miss miss miss miss her lots lots lots:( i try to keep myself busy le, but i still kept thinking of my deardear:)
isnt it a good thing:) hehes:) tml will be our first month together le:) yeah:)
but cant celebrate:( sobsob:(
i love u deardear:) muackz:)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

hey:) ytd i went to ECP to ton, at first there was foo wu, cheng wei, solo, qiu, nat and i:) we reached there around 6 plus:) however around 9 plus marcus the group then come:( they were supposed to be at ECP at 7, but i dun know wtf the did to take so long to come:( luckily deardear pei me talk talk until they come:)
furthermore, i think they do not even know whats the event all about:( hais:(
stupid lor:(
hmmm:) so after they came, we rented 10 bicycle and when cycling around ECP:)
we cycled to one end and went to the beach to have a swim:) hehes:) yup:) had alot of fun in the water:)
after which we went to bath and cycle to mac:) we rest at there and continued cycled to another end of ECP:) had alot of fun cyling:) but hor, lao gao got injuried when we were cycling:) nat lor, TMM wif him until he injuried:) ops:)
so we stop under a lamp post, and dun know y hor, everyone started talking about ghost and god:( i started having goosebump and kept telling them to stop talking about it le:( but they kept saying saying saying:( sobsob:)
but, after awhile not so scared le:) hehes:) we cycled back to mac and waited until the bicycle shop opened:) after returing, we went home:) yeahhh:)

btw, deardear go malaysia le:( hais:( i guess she's now at her relative house ba:)
im missing her already:'( sobsob:( im happy that deardear called me b4 she go to malaysia:) muackz piggie:) takecare wors:)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

hii:) hmmm:) this week no sch at home:) hehes:)
but very sian lor, cause very boring at home:)
oh ya:) today i finally get to meet deardear le:) yeah:)
tml also going to meet her, tml de tml also going to meet her and tml de tml de tml also going to meet her:)
yeah:) muackz:)
deardear going to go malaysia le:( going to miss miss miss her:) hehes:)

Os coming le:) cannot play play le:) must concentrate le:) must proof to all that i will pass Os and move on:)

Thursday, June 07, 2007

hmmm, this week is going to end le:) yup:)
which means that there's going to be no more remedial or wat le:) yeah:)
but deardear is soon going to malaysia le:( furthermore Os is getting closer and closer le:(
sobsob:( need to jiayou and work hard le:)
oh ya:) i watched Shrek 3 on monday wif my friends and deardear:) hahas:) very nice and very funny:) spend alot of time wif her:) after watching i send deardear home:)
btw, i had my physic and chemistry practical exam:) it was my first time doing this examination but it when well anyway:) hope that i could pass:)

life had change:) no one can replace her, and she will be the only one:) yup:) promises were also made and will never be broken:)
muackz:) i love deardear:)

Saturday, June 02, 2007

hey hey:)
hmmm:) ytd i went to GG chalat, i went there because i wan to pei my deardear:)
hmmm, b4 going to the chalat i got maths camp till 4:)
when lesson was going to end, i got this pain in my stomach that makes me cant concentrate anymore:)
so, i ask Mr Teo to let me go the toilet:) but he say, ta han awhile la:(
then he say, if i can ta han one more question he will release the whole class:(
so i had to scarifice myself for the class:( sobsob:(
when lesson was over i rushed home immediately:)
but hor, my didi lock the house and he was asleep:(
no matter how many time i press the door bell, call the house, knock on the door, and shout out my didi name, he's still asleep:(
luckily sig allow me to use his house toilet:) heng ar:)
but my didi is still not awake and i had to meet the GG 5:45 at cck:(
heng heng hor, my didi woke up and opened the door for me:) but it was already 5:45 le:(
so i rushed everything, meet nat, went to cck to meet the rest and went to the chalat:)
heard from them that Ms Sng is going to fetch them from pasir ris, so qiu accompany from pasir ris to the chalat:) thank u qiu mei:)
when i reached the chalat, i went to the pool side wif my deardear:)
deardear accompany me at the pool side until Ms Sng went off and the extra teacher went to sleep wors:)
thank u deardear:)
so, nat and qiu smuggled me into their room:)
since then, i spend all my time wif deardear:) go mac or go anyway, im always wif deardear:)
at the morning, everyone were sleeping except deardear and i:)
ermm ya:) we were hugging and sleeping together:) both of us were TMMing:) hehes:)
around 530, i left the chalat cause im afraid that the extra teacher will see me:)
but hor, leaving the chalat so early was a stupid mistake lor:(
i not only got bitten my insect and the teacher woke up at 8:( i could had pei my deardear longer lor:)
in the end, i went back myself because of some problem:)
i met deardear at cck for lunch and send her home:)
thank u deardear for waiting wors:)
I LOVE U FOREVER PIGGIE:) muackz muackz:)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

sian ar:( my monday MT O lvl very difficult leh:(
during paper 1, when i saw the question i sian diao lor:(
the question all so chimm, dun understand wat they writing lor:(
then paper 2 was ok:) but dun know got wrong ma:(
at first i was thinking of getting a A1 for MT, but i guess it is impossible le ba:(
sob sob:(
actually after my paper i was suppose to watch POC wif my friends de:)
but steph haven watch part 2:(
so it was cancel:(
so i went to play lan wif qy and marc:) opps:) sorry deardear:)
hmmm, i was kind of unhappy wif something at first:) but after the explaination, i misunderstood her wors:) sorry wors:)
oh:) btw holiday le:) yeah:(
but hor, i still need to go sch everyday:( sian:( somemore until 4pm everyday:(
but at least i can get to see someone:) hehes:) so i dun mind:)
hmmm:) today hor, i gib someone a "twinke":) but i felt very guilty after doing it:( really:( sorry wors:(


Sunday, May 20, 2007

today i went out wif my friends:)
they organize a outing for me to celebrate my belated birthday:)
thanks alot wors:)
in the afternoon, there were, foo wu, qiu, su min, nat and i:)
we went to far east cause qiu mei wan to buy lewis birthday present:)
so foo wu and i went to help her by giving her opinion lor:)
stupid lor, the girls can walk for 3 hours without buying anything:(
and my legs very swan lor:(
but qiu manage to buy a few present for lewis:)
after shopping, we went to marnia bay to meet qing yuan, marc and cheng wei:)
they were all late:( at 6, they were still sleeping at home and at 7 they just left CCK:(
wtf lor:(
i didnt blame them when they were late:(
the only thing that i was pissed was that, when they met up wif us, they apologize to foo wu!!!
wtf lor, this outing is beacause of me then organize de and they should apologize to me instead of foo wu:(
hmmm, i was quiet all the way till dinner:( very bua song, very unhappy:(
however dinner brighten up my day again:)
can eat le of course happy ma:)
oh ya:) i was surprised when they gib me a wallet:) i didnt know that they brought a wallet for me:)
i thought it was lewis de lor:) thank you to those who gib me this wallet:)
i appreciate it alot:)
after eating at marnia square we went to arcade and play a while:)
and i reached home at 12:)
thank you guys:)

Friday, May 18, 2007

yeah:) exam over le:)
sorry wors:) didnt update for so long:)
hmmm, my mid year should be HK liao, except maths:)

oh ya:) today is Kimberly birthday:)
happy birthday deardear:)
today i went to East Coast wif her and her friends:)
hmmm, her friend ps her wors:)
cause i can only make it on 11 and they all meet at 10:)
so kim had to wait for me and go:(
so sad wors:)
so, i met up wif her and went to East Coast:)
when we reached there, we saw a group of ppl on the beach:)
i told kim its them but she dun believe me:(
it was them lor:) hahas:)
then she was so ps:)
hanging out wif them was abit weird though but got use to it a while later:)
all of them speak english wors:)
english confrim very good de lor:)
hehess:) joking:)
dun know y kim the ex and gang came also:)
then all stare at me:)
so, we went to rent bicycle and go cycling:)
very tiring lor:( lucky got water to drink:) hehes:)
but it was kim de:) so she was scolding me for drinking finish her water:)
but i brought water back for her lor:) so thoughtful:)
after cycling for 3 hours, we went back home:)
on way home, i was kind of moody:(
cause kim didnt gib an answer for my question:(
after sending her home, she also didnt gib me the answer:(
my eyes were wet when i was going to meet foo wu for dinner:)
but she gib me the answer anyway:)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

sian:( mid yr is this week:) had been doing chinese compo almost everyday:)
cause chinese paper is this week:)
oh yessss:) tml Spiderman 3 come out:) but i cant watch, need to study:(
btw, i recieved a letter recently:) ya:) someone like confessed to me:)
i also confessed to her:)
but we were not together:) hmmm, i didnt wan cause i dun wan it to affect my Os:)
this year is the most important year:)
last yr i also had a relationship:(
it didnt last long, but it affected my mid year:(
but lucky it didnt affect my N:)
maybe we will be together after Os ba:)
wish me good luck:)
this friday got award's day:) can see her:) bwahahaha:)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

today went to Mac and study wif foo wu, qiu and nat..
my mood is spoil by someone today:(
i thought "she" really message me and i wanted to call her a while later:)
but, another message came:(
it was send to the wrong person:(
just dun know y my mood was greatly affected:(

Thursday, April 19, 2007

today i had my english oral and Mr isuandy was our examiner:)
hmmm:) marcus, ray and i were in the same group:)
so, we were the last few:)
today i did something very fun:) but to others it might be disgusting:)
before my turn, i was kind of urgent and i need to go to the toilet badly:(
but we were told that, when the exam starts we were not allowed to go to the toilet:(
at that time i could not wait any longer and decided to go and find a bottle in the class:)
so, ya:)
i urinated in the bottle:)
after which, i told rayson to urine into the bottle too, so that we can full up the whole bottle:)
and he urine into the bottle too:)
finally,marcus join us too:)
he urine into the bottle and the bottle was almost full:)
however, it was my turn for the oral:)
when i was done wif my oral they handed the bottle to me:)
inside the bottle, there was note that written, RAYSON,JIAJUN,MARCUS:)
Fun Fun Fun:)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

ytd we went to celebrate nat's birthday:)
there were, me, foowu, qiu, lewis, blah, julinda, su min, and nat:)
we went to Sakura International for the celebration:)
we were surposed to meet at 5 but foo wu and i met around 4:45 as we want to buy a cake for nat:)
after a long discussion wif lewis too, we decided to buy a small one instead:)
beacause its not her actual birthday either:)
we will buy a big one on her actual birthday:)
after buying the cake, we went Clementi and took a bus there, however all of us do not know which bus to get there:(
eventually, foo wu, qiu, lewis and nat took a cab while blah's dad came and fetch me together wif blah, sumin and julinda:)

there was a baby in the car:) she was so cute:)
really cute, she got this big eyes and curly hair:) cute little girl:)
so, we reached the place and when everyone arrived, we went in:)
the total amount was $208:)
after settling down, we went and take lots of food and started digging in:)
the food there are nice but there is one thing that i did not like was that,
the place is too crumpy le:(
its like everyone is squeezing their way throught:(
its a fun day anyway:)
but, ah peh was not feeling well:( sad:( he didnt eat much too:(
so, we took bus 188 and when home:)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

sian, girls are always the one who is giving me lots of problem:(
i just really dun know how to handle all this situation:(
ok, recently i know this girl, same sch:)
so, we started off like hi and bye and i added her in msn lately:)
ever since, we were like talking almost everyday:)
and i got the feeling that she and i does have feeling for one another:)
but today she quarrel wif her good friend and i really dun know wat happened:(
furthermore, she kept saying its because of me:(
its like saying im the one who cause all the problem:(
i really dun know wat are girls thinking:(

Sunday, March 25, 2007

hey so sorry didnt blog recently:)
kind of moody and sad this few days:(
ytd i was all alone at home till afternoon:(
its as though i do not have any friends:(
i was boring and lonely:(
its like no one acknowlege my existence:(
except lao gao:)
he asked me for dota but i just dun have the mood:(
i went to look for "ah ma" but i go this feeling that she's avoiding:(
she said that she was tired, i wanted to be more understanding, but i just could'nt:(
the feeling that she give me makes me feel that way:(
just dun y im always having problem due to girls:(
maybe having a stead is good??
maybe not having stead is good???
wat should i do then???????????

Sunday, March 11, 2007

its march holiday finally:)
a break for us:)
but i still need to go to sch almost everyday:(
wat to do:(
if i want to pass my O i must attend all this lesson:)
no choice anyway:)

ytd i got this flag day:) quite fun:)
foo wu, qing yuan, marcus and i were having lots of fun doing operation:)
all of our 'tong kong' was at least 1 quarter full nia:)
luckily it didnt rain ytd:) or we would have a bad time:)

really very for not updating my blog:)
sorry ya:)
quite busy laterly:)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

hey hey:)
ytd i had a renuion dinner wif some of classmates:)
we had lots of fun and we enjoyed the dinner:)
we went to marina square Soul Garden:)
at first we wanted to eat Yaki Yaki:)
however when we went there, it was full house:(
sad sad:)
so we decided to go for Soul Garden instead:)
after discussing about the amount we need to paid:)
it turn out that each of us had to pay $26.80:(
dame ex lor:( but once a time, so after a long dicussion among us:)
we went for it:)
immediately, we took lots of food and started to cook:)
upon eating during the night, we suddenly heard explosion and we went out to see:)
surprisingly there some fireworks going out:)
i was amazed by it as it was my first time watching it:)
after watching we went back to eat and a while later we decided to stop our dinner and go for a walked:)
we went to esplanade to had sight viewing and after which we went home:)
it was a nice and pleasent trip and i ought to have second one:)

Saturday, February 24, 2007

hey:) so sorry wors:)
dun update for a very long time:)
kind of moody lately:( just dun know y?
now im just trying to keep myself happy everyday:)
hmmm.. chinese year new is going to be over soon:(
haven visit kan ma and da jie:(
must visit them wors:)
btw, my Common test is over:)
but O is not over yet:( hias:(
i had been really slacking later:(
cannot slack le:)
must start my revision liao:)
jia you:) hehes:)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

this week was a bad week for me:(
just dun know y, im sick:(
im sick since ytd:(
ytd i went to sch as usual, on the way to sch, i knew this thing would happened:(
so, after attended ms su lesson and loh lesson, i really cant take it but to go home:(
after having permission to go home, i went home to take my med and went on bed:(
soon, i could feel that im feeling better, but later in the afternoon, it become worser:(
my mum told me to go the clinic, so i went:)
when it was my turn to see the doc, he said that i got virus infection:( and my temp was 38 degree:(
he gives me 2 day MC:) which is ytd and today:)

btw today is V day:) happy V day everyone:)

during the night my temp went up to 39.1 degree:(
hias, just wondering who had spread the disease to me:(
my class also got many ppl didnt came to sch:(
all of them are sick:(
hope that i will get well soon:)

Monday, February 05, 2007

sorry ya:) kind of busy recently:)
hmmm, i had been slacking since my first day of sch:(
just dun know y, i didnt have the mood of studying:( hais:(
i must start my studying already or else i will not catch up or either pass my O:(
today i had my math common test:)
its easy anyway:)
btw, my math's O lvl result is coming this friday:)
hope to get an A for it:)

recently, i started hanging out wif my malay female friend:)
last year both of us nearly become a couple but i didnt want because she's a malay:(
i know this might sound racist, but i had my own problem behind it:(
but this time i might change my mind:)
however, there is some situation going on:(
we are having O this year and both of us hardly had time for each other:(
im just worry that if we were to go steady, we will had differcult time together:(
wat should i do?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

didnt update lately:) sorry ya:)
oh ya:)
ytd our class were invited to Ms Koh's baby shower:)
da jie informed me and the spreaded this good news to all my peers:)
ytd almost half of the class went and we brought her a neckless for the baby girl:)
the name of the baby girl was Shannyn and her chinese name was JingEn:)
both of our name got J in it:) hehes:)
so, ytd marcus, chengwei, foo wu, zap and i went to the place quite early, as we were told to help in the function room decoration:)
as time passes, the rest of our classmates had came:)
next, we went to help ourselves for the dinner and when dinner was done:)
we started our activities:)
slowly by slowly we drag ppl and throw them into the pool:)
ytd there were quite a number 0f ppl being push into the pool:)
hehes:) some of us had alot of fun ytd:)
there were also another group of unknown student draging their friends into the pool and we came so idea:)
when they push their friend into the pool we will push those who pushes their friend into the pool:)
we were playing in to water throught the night:) after which we all took photo wif da jie and went home:)
fun day:)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Part 5:)
immediately, we proceeded to one of the chalet and practise our cheer:)
after thinking for a while:) we came alot of cheer and all the cheers are in different language:)
so, we started practising:) while we were practising, more idea came into our mind:)
soon, it was 7 and we must proceed to the basketball court to had our dinner:)
after dinner the campfire soon had started:)
and group by group went up to perform their cheer:)
finally its our turn:) i could say that compare to other teams our cheer were still the best one:)
after the campfire we went back to our campsite to take our bag and everything:)
by then i think our bag are already wet:) when we reached there, our bag were indeed wet but we got no choice:(
lucky the sec 5 were told to sleep at the chalet place:)
althought the guys are to be told to sleep on the first floor, we didnt mind at all:)
that night some of our friend had fell asleep and all of decided to put toothpaste on hafiz face:)
it was a sucess but hafiz seem to be in a deep sleep:)
next, i shouted loudly to call him wake up:)
he was in a shock and all of us laughed:)
soon, our second day was over:)
the next day we had our breakfast and headed back to our school:)
camp over:)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Part 4:)
after walking for a while, we reached the NAFA:) by then all of us were wet and cold:)
our task was to form MR Kamar name with our body and a passer by must identify them:)
after forming the words, we found a teacher i guess and he got the answer correct:)
so, we got our next photo:) the photo shown a starhub logo on a building:)
immediately, we took a bus to somerset:) after walking for a while, we reached the place:)
this time our task was to find a chio bu and a suai ge and we must act cute and take 3 photo wif different ppl :)
after looking, we found a couple and tracy took photo wif the guy while rendra took photo wif the lady:)
so, we left one photo to take:)
after searching we found this female:) chio sia:) hehes:)
tracy approached her and persuaded her, she agreed eventually:)
in the end i was the one who took photo wif her:) hehes:)
after taking, we did not have much time left so we took our next photo and head on to the 7 stage:)
it was at wisma and we decided to walk to there:) it took us about 10mins to reached there:)
when we reached there, we were took to count the number of shops in there:)
so, we went to the directory see and count the number of shops in there:)
if im not wrong there was 104 shops:) hehes:)
after which we decided to go back to our camp:)
we took a MRT all the way from orchard to bukit gombak:)
after a 45 mins trip, we reached bukit gombak but we were somehow late already:(
so we took a bus:)
when we went back, there were other teams and they were practising their camp cheer for the night:)

Friday, January 19, 2007

Part 3:)
eventually, ah huat went to told one of the instructor that we got one person who was injuried:(
they sort things out and they let us in too:)
our task was that:) we got 2 pole and 4 float:)
we must use rope to make a boat with it and use it to take a letter from a distance away from the shore:)
immediately we did a boat and took off:)
firstly was rendra, hafiz, and 2 other girls:)
mr kamar decided to help in by pushing the boat as far as he could:)
after recieving the letter they came back and followed by the next group:)
this time me, foo wu, mr kamar help them and we push them more further:)
after taking the letter, our next photo was at bugis national library:)
so, we planned to have our lunch b4 going to the library:)
after going up to a bus, we took off:)
in the bus there was a sudden change, the change was that we go do our next stage and then lunch:) when we reached bugis, we walked about 5 mins and reached the national library:)
at that time lao gao was quite pissed off as he was hungry:)
when we reached the library, our task was to find few chinese words and we were provided wif the english meaning:)
we were also given the book to find in the library:)
so the find started, tracy and the rest could not find the book and the book is not on load:)
so, ah huat told them to come back and instead of finding, he wants a malay person to act out all the words and a person to translate the chinese word to him:)
after guessing for 5 mins, man jun shouted our the answer and we proceeded to our lunch:)
mr kamar brought us to a place and he said that the chicken rice was cheap and nice:)
when we reached there, our other half of the class was there:)
so, we started our ordered:)
when lunch was over, we set off to our next destination:) it was at the NAFA:)
by then the rain began to rain more heavier:)
however this doesnt stop us and we continue going:)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Part 2
when we reached there:)
there were 2 other team and immediately, we ran to the stadium:)
when we reached, our task was to form 20, 3 word from the word " Jalan Basar Stadium"
next, everyone were giving me answer and without mins:) we completed the task:)
soon, we recieved our next photo:)
that photo shown a place that i never seem b4:( but luckily man jun remember that place:)
it was at Kalang Stadium:)
immediately we went to the nearest bus stop and took the bus number 2:)
after a while we reached to somewhere and Mr Kamar told us to alight here and take another bus 11:)
at that time it was quite frustrating as bus 11 took really long to come:( soon, another team had arrived:(
so there were 2 teams competing wif one another:)
when bus 11 came we went in and to our surprise:)
another team was in the bus already:)
so, now we got 3 teams against one and other:)
in the bus, we planned to run when we alight from the bus and trick the other teams:)
soon, we reached there:)
once we alight, our whole group ran and even the other group:)
as i did not knew the place well, i ran my own way and some student and instructor were following in:)
suddenly, cheng wei shouted:) " jia jun over here" next i change my direction and toward there:)
when all of our team mate reached , the other teams got the chance first as tracy was still at the back:(
she got this leg problem so she really cant walk that much:( hais;(

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Day 2:)
when we woke up:)
its already 710am and we were surposed to be at the basketball court by 730:)
immediately we went back to our camp site and to our surprised, lao gao and cheng wei still sleeping:(
we called many times and they finally wake up:)
at the end, we were the last few bunch that came into the basketball court:(
and because of us our whole group cannot eat breakfast:(
sorry wors:)
so after that, there was a briefing about the amazing race:)
all of us were full of excitement:) after the briefing, we went back to our tent to collect some item for our later events:)
after assembling the race started:)
some classes started early while our class start abit later then them:)
when the time was up:) we started our first task:)
we were given this piece of paper and on the paper there were boxes whereby 4 boxes on the horizontal side indicating each boxes 1, 2 , 1, 2:)
while 2 more boxes on the vertical side indicating 3, 3:)
our task was to join numbers by numbers without colliding the line wif each other:)
after solving for a while we finally got the solution:)
we the answer correct and we recieve a photo:)
immediately, i was a photo from esplanade:) our first station was there and we took a train to there:)
when we reached there our task was to find how long is the bridge from esplanade to fulluton hotel:)
despite counting the number of steps and asking tourist, we still cant get the answer:(
suddenly, arif got this equation and he got the answer:) hehes:) quite surprise sia:) hahas:)
next we got our second photo, the photo shows a place which written " SAR STADIUM":)
immediately, Jalan Basar Stadium came into our mind:)
we set off to the nearest MRT station and went to Lavander:)
cause rendra said he knew the way from lavander to there:)
part 3
so, we started our night walk and we must do it blind folded:)
we walked around the entrance of the chalet, when we were done:)
there was a briefing by ah huat and follow by our supper:)
when supper was done, there was a anoucement by the camp chief and a day had passed:)
Neh:) not so soon:)
everyone were dismiss to their camp site and prepared for the next day:)
while us, we went to our tent and slack:) our tent were different from others ppl tent:) in another word, we were more special then other ppl tent:)
in front of our tent there's a mat on the floor and few of us can talk and sit at there:)
throught the night, foo wu, marc, lao gao, cheng wei, arif, rendra, hafiq, zap and me were always together:) we went disturbing ppl, shake their tent, laugh loudly and shout:) quite fun:)
as the night was getting late, everyone were asleep except, foo wu, marc and me:)
we went to walk around and bath again:)
after the bath, we decided not to go back to the camp site:)
casue we will get dirty again:) so we headed to the chalet:) the chalet was about 2 floor of a HDB flat:) the top floor were rooms while the bottom were table and chairs:)
3 of us went there to talk and soon, around 5 plus i fall asleep and follow by them:)

day 1 over:)
to be continue:)
part 2:)
rendra, qing yuan, foo wu and me made it to the top while Mr kamar and marcus help to solve the riddle at the bottom:)
its surprised that we r the only group that completed the task:)
so, after that, our next activities was the water game:)
when we reached there we were told that, this activities was cancel as swimming suit is a compulsory and most of us did not have it:)
since this activities was cancel we were given break instead:)
immediately, we when to lend money from Ms fern:)
at that time Mdm fazilah gave us this look that tell us that we wont return the money back to ms fern:(
after using Ms fern money to buy some meal, we headed to our 5th activities which is "Golf":)
Hmmm... all this while i really do find golf very sian and lame:)
but it turn out that golf is quite fun:) hehes:)
so, when we reach the golf course, there was a brief by a golf instructor and we started practising:)
cheng wei, qing yuan and me were one group and kept hitting hitting, but we just cant get the perfect target:(
then, wen liong decided to do a shot:)
this really impressed me:) when wen liong was on the mat, he didnt took a ball and shoot:) instead of shooting, he was doing some small practise and then he took a ball:)
he has a looks of confident and then he gave a shoot:)
wow, i could just say wen liong is really pro at this:) he shot went straight and steady to 150m:)
furthermore, all his shots were the same:) not onces he will miss or wat:)
other then wen liong, kenric also quite pro in golf:)
seeing them doing this really makes me wan to practice more:) hehes:)
but i still cant get a perfect shot:) hahas:)
after the golf, we went back to the basketball court to have our dinner:)
when we were done, we took our belonging and return Ms fern money furthermore we return it in front of Mdm fazilah:)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

hello hello:)
Regent OLiii:)
hey i just came back from a 3 days 2 night camp ytd:)
the camp was on wed and some of our classmates were like , so sian, bo liao:)
the location of the camp was at Bukit Gombak and there were transpot for the whole sec 4 and 5:)
when everyone reached there, there was a small welcome by the camp chief, Ah Hao:)
next, every classes were splited into 2 group whereby even number of their index number is one group while the odd number is the other group:)
our class had splited into 2 group, group 19 and 20:)
we started our first activities of the day:) The ice breaker:)
our class proceeded to a nearby tennis court, and my group instructor was called, Ah Huat:)
hmmm:) i could said that his a person, who is kind of fit, friendly, understandable, and an easy going person:)
after introducing to one another:) we went back to the basketball court where Ah Hao will start his briefing about the tent pitching:)
next, we went to collect our tent equipment and after finding a perfect spot:) we pitch our tent there:)
after pitching, we went back to the bqsketball court and had our lunch:)
to be honest, the food that they provide taste like shit:(
its worst then the food that sold in our sch canteen:(
when lunch is over, we went to start our 2nd activities which was the problem solving:)
the first part of the game was played like this:)
the whole group members except one must be blind folded and pitch a tent, while the 1 will do the comment:)
sadly, we lost to 3 other teams:(
the second part of the game was that, 14 members of the group must be on this floor mat and our task is to turn the mat to the other side without any members to step out:)
again, we lose to 3 other teams:(
but this doesnt made us give up, cause the next activities was the rock climbing and our group got people who r good in that:)
so, we proceeded 2 the place and after the safety briefing:) we were given a task:) for every person who reached to the top, a riddle will be given for us to solve:)

Saturday, January 06, 2007

hmm.. its weekend again:)
our first week of sch had passed:)
the sch didnt changed much:)
but some of our classmate had changed:)
all guai guai, pay attention:)
nothing much had been taught lately:)
but we must start the revision already:)
or else it will be too late:)
but im still in a holiday mode:) hais:(
now trying to concentrate le:)
furthermore im still waiting for my O lvl Maths result:)
since i had finished my O lvl maths:)
mr teo, my maths teacher still wanted us to buy the sec 5 tbk:(
waste money leh:( chicken:)
hais hais:(

ytd i went to kranji sec to collect my scholarship:)
there were lots of ppl, and parent doesnt wan to gib way:(
stupid sia:(
so i managed to squeeze in and settle down in the hall:)
so, after the MP speech and everything:)
everyone could collect their voucher:)
it was surprise that i got 300 bucks:)
quite a lot sia:) hahas:)